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Everything posted by just-A-snap

  1. Not doing much shooting at the moment mate, things in life to cope with, and medication not helping. But worse thing happen at see. So if one is still breathing then all is fine Jonjon. All the very best for you and yours mate
  2. Funny when some say that The Nineteen Seventies Television was of that one steps into. It was not, and to look back at it from Twenty Eighteen is irrelevant and futile. It is like saying that we are better than those that came before and those yet to come. All is of its time and day. Just like every human that has ever walked on this Earth has live with the height of technology, no less than that we have today. If one was to ask me if I wanted to live in those days than that of today , then I would say yes without any hesitation, some will talk about strikes and unions and every othe
  3. Enjoy for many a good day Jonjon79 All the very best for you and yours mate
  4. If it works does the job and is reliable, then all are good. All the very best raptar "Phil ???"
  5. A productive job well done. All the very best zx12edge
  6. There is always the factor of that finger on the Trigger All the very best for you and yours Mark
  7. Doing the job once more Underdog. Well done and all the very best
  8. Have a good time and enjoy. Good luck maxwell. All the very best
  9. For the last time. Now we part our different ways. Well done and all the very best j j m.
  10. Glad to see everyone confident. As for myself not to sure that I will be going that way and not the other. I live in hope. All the very best for one and all.
  11. Enjoy and good hunting VM. All the very best for you and yours mate
  12. Rate it, them all a lot but that is me. I find no difference between them, Scorpion or Ultra apart from as we all know its limitation in legal for all .25. Once one gets to know the magazine and how to load it probably then all is good. Mine likes H&N Field Target Trophy at around the average 20 grain and if wanting more power then the Baracuda at 31grain. I also have no doubt that it will perform just as well with the Air Arms Diabolo Field. It will spit out lower and higher grain pellets just as good, but have only put in the ones most would call the better pellets. Al
  13. Two Air Rifles to my knowledge that are as good as anything out there. It is a comfort zone thing that gets the finger on the trigger at one with cheap and not so cheap Air Rifles in just my opinion. Always good though being able to get the kit that gives that. Many a good day's work from both of them Corvid Hunter. All the very best
  14. A job being Very Well Done. The word is Productive. All the very best
  15. Life is good, and not that well known manufacturer. All the very best for one and all
  16. Good bag rick12345, well done. All the very best
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