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Everything posted by just-A-snap

  1. Think all the Advertising may just cover the costs walshie. I do not and did not appreciate being asked if i pay to comment post or just be a member of The Hunting life. And I still do not. All the very best
  2. No he has not. You do not have to pay to be a member and I do not want to sell. All the very best
  3. Today's cars are the height of technology, so was yesterdays. I like so may drove cars most would crap themself in now, we did not as that is all we had and knew. All the very best
  4. Come on kanny I was in the Sixties mate. You did not have to wake me up in the Seventies. SMILE All the very best mate
  5. Beatles, Go to work on an egg, Twiggy Put the G back into GB because Thunderbirds Are Go. Good old Bobby Moore holding the World Cup, The good Lord rest his soul and Nobby Stiles doing his Jig. I'm Backing Britain and so and so on. 2017 Britain's Got S*** Er Talent and nostalgia in my case for zephyr and Humber Sceptre old cars. All the very best
  6. Not for me kanny, they just takes me back to my childhood, so when I see them somehow as if in a comfort zone. If you follow my meaning. Al the very best mate
  7. Most zephyr and most of the Humber Sceptre cars All the very best
  8. Like Also Smile and the FA Cup All the very best stealthy1 mate
  9. There are always those that must have. They will never use most that is available on it, but it is new and must be better. All the very best
  10. Like Enjoy for many a good day ozzieowl All the very best P.S You are worse than me with the camera on a mobile phone.
  11. Like Now now Jonjon deceiving us like that. It is Kosher YES? P.S All the very best for you and yours mate
  12. Soylent Green kanny All the very best
  13. Thank you for thinking of me Rez. Not my kind of thing, that is Photo Surrealism. I leave that to better than me. All the very best mate
  14. Needs a lot of work mattwhite. Lots of things do not work, most should have been seen on the dummy runs. But we are all only human after all. All the very best
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