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Everything posted by just-A-snap

  1. Good job well done once more you two. All the very best for you and yours Mark
  2. Only half a bottle? Well better than nothing si brown All the very best
  3. Are you happy with the SMK? If yes then that is all that matters. All the very best
  4. Nothing wrong with that. Food is food. Ends up in the same place. All the very best
  5. Well done lads on a productive day. And yes a good mix bag. All the vert best for you both
  6. Enjoy for many a good day Gamegetter All the very best
  7. Your Air Rifle and your money spent on it secretagentmole. Enjoy All the very best
  8. Well done Jonjon All the very best for you and yours mate
  9. mac a Bob Dylan fan VM? All the very best for you and your mate
  10. Very good bit of kit. That is better than most RFD prices All the very best for you and yours
  11. More than factory looking work mac. Well done mate once more All the very best for you and yours
  12. Enjoy for many a good day secretagentmole All the very best
  13. When you start testing them, then the Yes or No will be found out. All the very best for you and yours mate.
  14. The Sixties was all who lived in them and not just for some. Flower power was around for a few months
  15. It was never there, and those who was there in the Sixties know that. It was media hype then as it is with today's way of life and fads and wannabes. Charles Manson and his lonely wannabes was just one moment in time as with untold countless others. We had Ian Brady and Myra Hindley. Hopefully with theirs and his passing a little of the Pain will be lost from the victims family's In just my opinion All the very best for one and all
  16. Well done once more mark All the very best for you and yours
  17. Good images, post and spot on shooting mattwhite All the very best mate
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