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Everything posted by Meduck74

  1. Yes got land want more tho and can only do Sunday's cos I have my child
  2. Well done malk 1 and you hurlock you my kind ov lads
  3. Well mixed reviews we all no best well you all think you do maybe I should do it my way cos I came on here for advise but I've forgot more than half the clowns on here it's so funny that you can call yasen dog men I would lose half ov you on a good walk never mind working dogs come on lads get agrip some ov you no your shit the rest ov you ain't got a clue but never mind keep going especially big bad wolf lol
  4. Thanks for all your input lads like I said I'm only just starting out
  5. Cheers pal il just take her ferreting for now then cos I want an edge dog as well
  6. Cheers pal just trying to get used to this place there's some very interesting reading
  7. You'll get more advice if you post in the lurcher section, mate. Not many will see it here....
  8. When will my lurcher start running properly at what age? And am I taking my bitch out too early on the lamp at 5 month?
  9. Hi all I'm new too this had terriers for years worked hard . But never had lurcher got 5 month old collie greyhound that's 21 inch at moment took out ferreting she caught 2 young rabbits and retrieved to hand also she's started setting .. I've took her out 3 times on the lamp only letting her run sitters just wanting to no if I'm doing the right thing or am I rushing her ?
  10. Been out since 5.30 am this morning put plenty of rabbits up with my Lakeland terrier and my pup had 1 good run what a nice morning
  11. Hi there just bought a collie greyhound bitch pure white is this ok for lamping with? She's very clever and caught and retrieved 2 young rabbit all ready at 5 month old she's 21 inch too shoulder how much bigger will she get ? And what age will I be able to start lamping with her I don't want to push her too hard
  12. . All right pal I've been working at ashby for 2 years is there plenty ov rabbits about ?
  13. Hi all only joined today hopefully trying to find some were out there do do abit ov ferreting I've only recently just started back up and are finding it really hard to find anywhere to go . I can only do Sunday mornings due to work commitments and would be more than happy to help out on farms or do some beating to help etc thank you for taking your time to read this ......meduck
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