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dicky das

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Everything posted by dicky das

  1. i have just got it a couple of weeks ago cracking film me and my misses think its bril
  2. i dont no the lines mate my mate who breds lakies picked her up off a lad down kendle a few year ago now. i tried her in a drain that she and the lurchers had marked a fox in but she wudnt go so i didnt force her i didnt bye her for that tho so wasnt to warried not tried her since
  3. she has just turnd 4 and half i have had her for 3 half now bin a good little bitch she can be a stubern little cow tho feel like pullin my hair out somtimes...
  4. yeh she does alrite i have had her a few years now she flushes fox rabbit hare and is a little cracker on the rats i just use her for ratting and abit of ferreting i have also got a bedlington bred lurcher and collie greyhound aswell
  5. http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa21/de...08/DSC00232.jpg
  6. this is my hw80k i have been having a lot of fun with in the lamp on the rabbits just a shame its not abit more powrfull coz i av been seing http://i198.photobucket.com/albums/aa21/de...8/DSC00230.jpg lot of foxes about.
  7. nice looking dog there mate my mate has just had a litter of five. people say wippets dont hunt but his pair go every where my plummer goes got good noses on them
  8. hi all not had a computer for long id rather be out with the dogs but just thought id give it ago i like ferreting with my collie greyhound plummer terrier and the newest edistion is beddlington wippet collie wippet greyhound pup
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