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Everything posted by philpot

  1. I am new to the site and would be interested in your views on the Brocock air rifles, I know the new Compato is not in the shops yet although the write ups sound good. In truth I have never seen one but was interested in them after seeing Si Pittaway and Davey reviewing one on Vermin Hunters TV and like the idea of a Bullpup style of gun. I would REALLY like the FX Wildcat but at almost twice the price of a Brocock, my pension has to be spent with care My first thought is a bullpup for ratting in confined areas and would appreciate any feed back chaps. Phil
  2. I would not get into which colour is best suited but I have built a number of koi ponds for both myself and a few friends and in each case I have used G4 pond paint which is a superb product. It is basically a fibreglass resin paint to give a plastic finish and although I no longer keep koi, I still stay in touch with a friend who pond is painted with G4 and is now in it's 8th year, no issues whatsoever. This is the product http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/G4-POND-PAINT-SEALER-CONCRETE-SEAL-WATERPROOF-PAINT-SEALANT-GARDEN-KOI-FISH-BOND-/190645891580 Hope that helps Phil
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