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Everything posted by philpot

  1. Have you tried using 'Photobucket' on your phone to load photos, it should work. Phil
  2. I used to be a mad keen wildfowler many moons ago when the east coast marshes were open and trust me actually hitting the ducks and geese was not an easy task as you were shooting with no backdrop to know distances, usually in an uncomfortable position in the mud hide. Any birds taken were WELL earned. I knew two guys with punt guns and as said earlier, originally they were a means of scraping a living or at least something to eat for a poor family on the wash and I know for a fact that on most occasions the pound of lead shot had to be fired before getting back to shore as they were muzzl
  3. What are the Falcon AP like in .177 in an HW, anyone tried them. Phil
  4. I have a dustbin full of water so I will give that a try, great idea. Phil
  5. Pellet sample selection, there are some really interesting ones in here that I am going to have a go with. This is what I have below . ATB, Rich. Cal. Make Name 0.177 Air Arms Field 4.51 0.177 Air Arms Field 4.52 0.177 Air Arms Express 4.52 0.177 Bisley LRG 0.177 Bisley superfield 0.177 Bisley pest control 0.177 Bisley magnum 4.50 0.177 Bisley magnum 4.51 0.177 Bisley practice 0.177 BSA storm 0.177 BSA elite 0.177 BSA interceptor 0.177 BSA red star 0.177 Crosman domed 0.177 Crosman destroyer 0.177 Crosman pointed 0.177 Crosman hollowpoint 0
  6. Do you think there is enough pressure to really do that. If that is the case is there any reason for people to sift through tins selecting the best pellets. I have no idea, just a thought. Phil
  7. To say how popular the AA fields are, they do have a fair amount of damaged skirts in every tin. I am going to get some sample packs from another forum as one of the guys has a wide array of pellets to choose from, nice bloke as well. Phil
  8. Just offered £75 on the Vision King, rejected but would take £ so now I have a range finder. Another item ticked Phil
  9. HEY watch what your saying to my lads mined or ill come round yours and smack your bottom for you, you twat atvbmac no3 :thumbs: I best put the kettle on Mac, hot brew awaiting Phil
  10. I am also on a quest to get a range finder and have found a couple that seem to fit the bill, one being a day/night finder. The first one does not say what the minimum range is but having spoken to the seller, I am advised that it starts at 3mt which sounds perfect. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/262094722766?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT The Hawk 400 has gone up in price with a shop price tag of around £134 but the 400 is not waterproof. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hawke-400m-Compact-Digital-Laser-Range-Finder-Golf-Hunting-Shooting-6x-Zoom-/380672494262?has
  11. Are you going to sell the standard cylinder once you have the A & M cylinder and if so where will you sell it and how much. I want to get the A & M and am told the original cylinder will sell but no idea where to sell it and why would anyone want it. Just wondered. Phil
  12. You guys kill me with your p1ss taking, makes me laugh anyway. Phil
  13. I had a look at those Cragman but whilst it was not in front of me, it doesn't seem to be in the same league as the Primos trigger unit. If you watch the youtube footage, you can see just how good these are in terms of flexibility and speed of setting up. I think I will pay the extra but also after a range finder............................ooooooooh which one first... Phil
  14. Yes mate it is now on the list, new gun--tick, new chrono--tick, range finder and NV being looked into so the list is getting smaller. I thought my clay shooting cost me a lot, however once bought, these things will not need replacing for a while............................I hope. As a matter of interest Mark, where did you buy the trigger stand from, best price I have found is £105 Phil
  15. They look a seriously good bit of kit for an ole tart with eye sight that gets no better, hearing fading and knees that now crack.........................this might be quite helpful, either that or turn the gun on myself. 30 in my head-------90 when I get out of bed-------------in truth in the middle+3. Prone position is great, just getting back up is the bugger, kneeling, not bad but need a chair to climb on me feet------------------okay not quite but you know where I am coming from, trigger tripod could be a godsend.... Phil
  16. Just looking at those Trigger sticks Mark, which one did you get, mono, bipod or tripod. The tripod will be very stable but just wondered how stable the other two are. Phil
  17. I have said it before and probably say it again , what is the point of .20 when you have very good heavy pellets in .177 and some very good pellets light pellets in .22 If you look at five words in my post----------PURE SPECULATION ON MY PART. I was not suggesting we all go and buy a .20 cal gun, simply bringing it into the discussion. AND I HAVE ANSWERED YOUR POST ABOUT 20 CAL IMO Okay, fair comment. Please allow me to dig a little further into this out of ignorance not trying to be an arse but by using lighter .22 or heavier .177 pellets in order to g
  18. Forgive my ignorance but with a .177, if zero is done at 36yds, 9 - 41yds will be bang on the cross hairs or have I misunderstood what you said. if that is the case, I will not bother with 'Chairgun Pro' which suits me down to the ground, not good with computer software and not familiar with .177 YET. Phil
  19. I have said it before and probably say it again , what is the point of .20 when you have very good heavy pellets in .177 and some very good pellets light pellets in .22 If you look at five words in my post----------PURE SPECULATION ON MY PART. I was not suggesting we all go and buy a .20 cal gun, simply bringing it into the discussion.
  20. Makes me wonder why there are so few .20 guns/users around because logic would say that this cal is a happy medium of the other two, better trajectory than a .22, better penetration than a .177 but perhaps not. I have to say that I have never seen one let alone used one so pure speculation on my part...............................i'll get me coat.. Phil
  21. Thanks guys, I must say although it is very very new to me so time will tell but I think we are going to be together for some time to come.......................a .22 will be bought at some stage for the rats and because I like them. I was going to have the RM8 modified at Airtech but to be honest I was fed up with the power going all over the place so I do want to find another, possibly an Ultra SE for bumping around in barns etc. Phil
  22. Thanks David, just need to start looking for a perm now and hopefully with that cooler weather on the way, the rats will start to be more of a problem so fingers crossed. Phil
  23. Oh Mac, where is your sense of adventure........................... After 40+ years of competition clay guns with semi pistol grip stocks, I wanted to try out the thumhole design and after testing a gun, I found that for ME, it helped with my stance/grip for freestanding shooting that I was struggling with. This thing sits just perfect for me and remains very steady, now of course this could be the whole gun but in my eyes it works. As for .177, well it seems there are a hell of a lot of guys out there using .177 to great effect as of course there are with .22 guns but to be honest I h
  24. After a great deal of thought and with a short list of 4 guns, The HW100KT came out on top. Laminate adjustable stock, .177 and a Deben bipod.
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