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Everything posted by philpot

  1. I should have said earlier, the magazine is foolproof and the adjustable laminate stock version I have is superb. NOW GO AND BUY ONE !!!!!! Phil
  2. There are some very experienced HW100 owners on here who will I am sure be able to enlighten you more than I can BUT all I can say is that, like you, I heard so many good things about these rifles, I decided to exchange my gun for one of these.................the best thing I ever did, These guns just feel right for me, will outshoot me, and when this old fool does it right, produce one hole groups all day long. Try one if you have not already done so. Phil
  3. I wish I could remember but it is around 40 years ago but I have just googled the G80 but no photo's. The best way to describe it would be a very short springer that looks to have a full length shroud so it looks quite chunky. I think they were also branded Milbro Diana. I will keep looking but thanks Mark. Phil
  4. Awsome matey just awsome, Does the but plate much work to get the fit correct. Phil
  5. Just for a moment Mark, the first photo looks like you have had extra long barrel and cylinder fitted, then saw in the second photo, it was the trigger sticks, silly old bugger. Nice shooting mark. Changing the subject, do you find the TX200 shoots well of the sticks with the recoil. Phil
  6. You know the more I see what you are doing Jimmy and the genuine appreciation you have Simon for the work being done, I think we all share in your joy of what is about to land on your door. Very interesting post Jimmy, I think I might print this off if you don't mind. Phil
  7. You know it is such a pity that we can't see the little fella actually shooting but I understand why you would not post photo's with all the issues with children on web sites and the nasty stuff that goes on, anyway it's good to hear he is enjoying himself and clearly doing well with his new gun. He is a lucky grandson and I think you are a lucky grandad being able to share the sport with him. When my son was about 6 or 7, ( he is now 46) I bought him a Diana ???? rifle, it was very small and the barrel was wrapped in sheet tin/steel so it made the gun look as though it has a thicker tube
  8. September they are hoping for, not confirmed yet...... Phil
  9. Yes that was exactly what I was getting at Jimmy because the TX seemed to be front end heavy but of course as I know next to nothing about the high end springers so it may be that this is normal. I have just had a chat with Hull Cartridge about the differences between the 77 and 97 guns and the guy told me that they have an open day on Sunday 29th May at Humberside Shooting Ground with all the guns present for trying out so that is one for the diary. Just as a matter of interest, they have pre orders for 820+ HW110 and added to this they have ordered another 250 for their stock. The fi
  10. oooohhhh really pretty, me likeyyyy. Am I right in thinking that they are a little lighter at the barrel than a 97 / 77 with the under lever tucked away .
  11. One for you Simon, the sixth one down, a lefty custom stock 77 http://www.shootingsupplies.info/gunroom.html Sorry, it wont go straight to the gun but select air rifles and the 77 custom lefty is the sixth one down the list Phil
  12. Right you have just helped me decide Jimmy, I will not buy the TX until I have at least tried some HW rifles but the prosport, well I have never even seen one. Phil Just had a look at the 97, quite similar to the TX £440 new, see what I can find s/h, not sure about another .177 or a .22, Oh god here we go................................................. Just found this one http://southertonguns.com/weihrauch-hw97k-22-air-rifle/ I'm in love but a bit more than I want to pay however a lovely 77 http://www.duncansgunmakers.co.uk/pre_owned/spring_air/images/HW77Lam.jpg
  13. Right Simon and Jimmy, a few things to think about there chaps. I had wondered about a Weihrauch because I love the quality of my 100 and may decide to have a good look around before jumping in and perhaps it might be more beneficial to sit and talk with you two prior to making that purchase, at the end of the day, I no longer have a nice salary coming in so I need to ensure I make the right choice. We are off to Highlodge in Suffolk on the 14th for the week and it will be the last time I shoot my Berretta DT10 sporter shotgun as I have decided to sell her when we get home so I will have s
  14. They are second hand Rez and I totally agree that springers will offer a bigger challenge and something I need to work at to become any good with. I would have liked to shoot one with a decent scope on before I buy one but hey ho, I am not messing around taking my varmint scope off my HW100 just for a test. Phil
  15. Okay my interest is fully awakened to a TX 200 so I am popping back to the RFD tomorrow, time allowing, to take a closer look at the two guns he has in stock.Both guns are .22 which is fine and both are 250 quid and I think both are carbine. One has this naff AGS scope but apart from that, what do I need to look for as I have no knowledge of these guns and is the price about right. Any advice would be most welcome guys. Oh yes, one other thing, if I buy one of these guns and we find it is not so sweet, just how big a job is it to tune and who could do it. Phil
  16. Must admit that they group really well in my HW100 .177 but strangely the H&N Baracuda Match, supposedly the same pellet just was not as good. Phil
  17. Well Simon and Jimmy, it looks like we have a plan. Thanks to you both, just hope your trip Jimmy doesn't fall when I am away. Not sure if I can get a gun before then, cost of holiday and all that but whatever, I am really looking forward to this one chaps. I am now going to settle down and read your pinned post Simon. Phil
  18. As it says 25mts which is why I am not bothering with them. 15mm at 60yds, well you are just too good at this Mitch. Phil
  19. FX Wildcat, in fact, i have a feeling all the new models from FX are regulated. Phil
  20. Ooooh this is getting interesting. I am up for that Jimmy if Simon is okay with it, a great opportunity to meet you both, I am however off to Suffolk on the 14th for a week, fishing, clay shooting and air rifle shooting. The RFD that I was in today has two TX200 in stock both second hand at around £250 each although I am sure it said more than that o the ticket.........must check it out. No problems with a car, I am still very much on the road mate. Thanks Jimmy for a cracking idea. Phil
  21. Many congratulations Mac, as Simon said 'RFD's delight'. Get him off with a proper starter..........GAT Phil
  22. Thanks for your comments guys but I think as my only springer experience was my old Meteor which is not even in the league of TX or HW rifles. I could see from the start, the TX was a serious gun and if I am being honest, I would like to own one as I certainly have the time to practice as a retired old tart and it would be a challenge to master the dark art of springers. I guess my HW100 is so smooth with no felt recoil, the difference between that and the TX was just a bit of an eye opener. As underdog says, there are some light and cheaper guns to be had but whilst I am not a tackle tart
  23. I also did a more shots on another target to get a feel for the pellets before these groups which gave the same results. The longer ones are just within a 26mm spread whilst the shorts are 17mm spread. I have a few left and may well try them on rats at closer range but to be honest I don't think I will spend much time on them. Phil
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