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Everything posted by philpot

  1. hear hear, very well said. Phil
  2. A golden opportunity..................to stay in with France, now who is on a different planet.
  3. 52% - 48% in favour of leave the EU. A new start begins. Phil
  4. Three raffle tickets bought Davy and good wishes for the shoot. Phil
  5. It's Phil, not Lewis but thank you for the answer Trevor. Phil
  6. Does your oil leave a high gloss finish or can you maintain a silk or matt finish Trevor. Phil
  7. I totally agree with you Si, I love mine. Just get yourself a nice scope and enjoy. Phil
  8. Freestanding is pretty difficult for most people and most certainly me but a friend told me of a method which did improve matters although I was using a PCP rifle. Take in a deep breath and at about half way on exhale aim and shoot within a max of 5 seconds. I worked on 5 seconds then 3 seconds which is quite easy to do and found that you take the shot before the gun really starts to wobble very much. I must say that I practiced this each day and it did make quite an improvement although given a chance I will always shoot off my Trigger Grip Tripod, sat down if I can but the above method has
  9. I just wondered if you guys have a lack of pigeon in your area, the reason I ask is that my pea field is just not being visited apart from perhaps half a dozen birds a day. I was down at the clay shoot last night and the guys there were saying exactly the same but nobody knows what they are feeding on apart from clover. In the horse field over my garden wall, we can get up to 70 birds on the clover, sadly I can't shoot it because of the horses and a few sheep in the field. I have been up to my perm EVERY day to check things over but every day is the same, even the farmer has switched off
  10. What a transformation, fantastic job mate, really well done............................better get some raffle tickets Jimmy. I wonder if we can get tickets if we are not in attendance at the shoot. Phil
  11. Only tried them in a pellet test at 25mt but they grouped well and thought they would make a good ratting pellet, only trouble is I don't have a rat perm, I wish I had. They are pricey however when you consider there are 200 in a tin Phil
  12. Perhaps a talk through on method, woods and times would be of interest from you boys Phil
  13. That is some serious result, well shot Sir. Phil
  14. I had 20mins on the range with an R10 full length on Saturday. Accurate but quite numb just no feel but I have to say I would like to try the super carbine. I can take the full length version off my wish list as I just wouldn't want one having now had a play wwith one. Phil
  15. ha ha, what did I say to you the other day Chris, mind you, I do have just a hint of envy as well. Phil
  16. Well done you having a loving wife and an HW100KT. The Mulberry bags can be considerably more than your gun...........................trust me. Phil
  17. Thanks Chris, I might have a trip over there. Phil
  18. What a bugger Chris but the response from Redbeck is very special, I doubt many RFD's would go that extra mile. Where is Redbeck Phil
  19. You guys are making me feel much better, perhaps not so much an 'age thing' Phil
  20. Hell fire Mitch, I thought I was bad at least I can blame age. Phil
  21. I went up to my perm this morning as the woodies are starting on the peas. I set up the hide, yes happy with that. I placed a dozen deeks and a couple of crows out in the field, looks ok, yes happy with that got my seat tub and flask into the hide, yes happy with that Get the HW100 out of the car................no fecking pellets or mag Fortunatley, I had one of my shotguns in the car as a back up so the day was not lost but not as I planned it. Oh well it's an age thing, still shot a few woodies although they were in small numbers this morning. Strange thing, The first
  22. I have a feeling you will NOT get away with that Jimmy..................... Phil
  23. Jimmy, I know you told me about the method to lighten my TX stock but in all honesty, I can't remember, would you please PM me the instructions as well mate. Phil
  24. So you spray into the tin without washing first. Do you find bits of lead sticking to the pellets at all. I am most interested in this method you use. Phil
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