Looks like a nice Tancho Sanke, shusui, harawaki, parachina and chagoi, can't quite see the other, possibly a goshki or showa. Long time since I wrote down any of these so perhaps not the correct spelling. Water looks well cared for too.
Phil I am like you not very good at the tuning but I fitted a tinbum kit into a tx I used to have no problem
really is quite easy if you watch the utube video on it.
What improvements has the tinbum kit made to your TX and what cal is it.
I go round and round in my mind regarding my gun, should I try to make it a smoother action, less sharp on recoil or is it just me. I have not picked it up for a few weeks, I think I need to spend some time with it again or get rid and forget springers.
On a TX, how difficult is fitting the kits because I am not the best at this sort of thing and I would like to smooth out my .177, do they come with instructions.
Stonking group, wish mine were as good with TX. I bet the pellets are a bugger to load with that scope though.
Anyone care to tune mine for me, can't afford sending it off to one of the known tuning guys as much as I would like to.
Right John, I have found the digital version that I have, here is the link. I think this will give you what you need mate.
Go to the home page and click on Wales in the drop down menu, the list will be there for you to browse.
Following on from an earlier post regarding police testing. This came up in a discussion a little while ago so I contacted my local firearms office to ask if a situation came up where for example the police were called because somebody had reported ' a gun is being used'. So what tests would be done to establish if this gun was within the law, do you test the gun with the pellets being used or use a selection of your own pellets knowing that a heavy pellet may push the gun over the limit.
The officer understood my concerns and said they would always use our pellets being used, if there wer
I think these are really quirky little guns and by far prefer them to the latest version. If you don't like it, let me know and I will give you what you paid for it plus a bit extra.
I am away in Suffolk for a couple of weeks but when I get back I will scan my copy of 'shooting grounds directory' for you John. It is a good little booklet with loads of info.
I do like it's looks and stock figuring just don't like where the cocking lever now sits and no cheek piece but that is a bullpup I guess, sooner have a Wildcat with things in the right place.
Just heard from a chap I met a few months ago on the AGF who joined this p1ss taking crew under the name of KeithS but has not been able to post a new topic, any admin offer advice..............MOXY.
If you can suggest a reason why, I will pass it on to him.
The used pellets you have there Jimmy may not have the same amount of antimony in them so therefore softer, possibly why they are cheaper, not that they hit harder. Just a thought mate.