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Everything posted by philpot

  1. You asked for 54-56'' so how can 49'' be okay although the original sizes you asked for seemed way too long for an air rifle. Phil
  2. I had a look at the grey laminate version in the rfd today - f**k me that was nice thumbs: I can only agree with you Jon. When I popped into ASI last week they gave me one of the few FX product books that are in the UK with a lovely photo of the laminate stock version, ooooooohh seriously good looker. Phil
  3. Thanks chaps, I thought you might say that and had more or less decided on Sportsmatch. I switched to BKL mounts a little while and am very happy with them, pricey but good. I have never used a one piece mount before, the one I bought was CHEAP so worth a try.............. Sportsmatch it is then. Phil
  4. I just bought a one piece BKL mount for my TX from another forum but it isn't a BKL, not fussed it was cheap and I'm sure someone will make use of it. Of the one piece mounts out there does anyone know who make the lightest because this thing is 200grm which makes it a waste putting on a Mamba Lite scope. I did have normal two piece mounts on the TX with no issues but as I am changing all the scopes around, I thought it was worth asking. Phil
  5. Welcome aboard Shaun You have some good chaps up your neck of the woods for advice. Enjoy and get involved. Phil
  6. The thing is Mark, if you are sitting in the hide, a heavier rifle is not going to be such an issue I would have thought. Perhaps a different story if you were doing a lot of walking around the perm as I often do and then I even think the HW is a dead weight which is why I am trying the Ultra and have a craving for the Wildcat. Phil
  7. Just a bit of guess work here but if the guns were sold new in France, they would not be registered with UK firearms dept possibly so to have them reduced to sub 12 and sold into the UK might be okay. If I were you, I would email UK police firearms to establish the correct procedure, then you will have a response in written form to work from. Phil
  8. My wife and I had 'Road Angels' and they saved us on quite a few occasions but they both died so now we get caught, my wife has just been on a speed awareness day and I am waiting for paperwork to come back for me to go on one..............................................fcuk. Must tell you Si, you can set an alarm for a new speed trap that is not picked up on the system and one day whilst working out how to do that task sat on the drive at home, cracked it I thought, until I twigged that I set a new speed trap alarm in the drive so every day as I pulled into the drive the fcuking alarm we
  9. Mr wabbit looks a bit damp Si. Paperwork is good but better off being out even if it is quiet mate. Phil
  10. A few years ago when we had the bad winter, I think it was 6 years ago, I couldn't get on the motorway to go to work because of blocked roads, we had the patio table for some reason on the lawn. Under the table was a perfect 4' circle of grass, everywhere had about 6 - 8'' of snow and that 4' circle of grass had curlew, redshank, plover, snipe and one oyster catcher most of which were captured on the camera. I don't think I will ever forget those days just looking out of the window at all these birds popping in and out, I recall putting down over 20kg of wild bird seed and a large drum of fat
  11. I assumed there would be a good reason so thanks for that mate. Phil
  12. Well I am only 1.5 miles from the Humber estuary so perhaps that is why he is here. On the RSPB register they are classified in the region as 'very rare' so I think I have been lucky to have this fella sat in the garden for most of the day, in fact he only took off when a bloody cat jumped over the wall and scared him off. I have been wanting to clear out all the tommy plants from the greenhouse today but as he was only a few feet away from the greenhouse door, that job didn't get done. Hope he is back again soon. Phil
  13. Just having a chat with a friend on the phone when I saw an a bird out of the corner of my eye...................................a woodcock. Now they are pretty rare to find in the woods let alone in my little cottage garden and sat right next to one of my targets. Yes I could shoot him as it is still rooting around in the fallen leaves but what a cracking sight, I am happy just to watch. Sorry about the photo quality, taken through the window. Phil
  14. Apart from shroud and longer cylinder, what else have you had Carl do to the gun Toby. Phil
  15. Just one question Jimmy, why do you leave the butt pad on when bathing the stock. Phil
  16. I bought an Ultra a few weeks ago and what a pleasure it is to carry around compared to the HW100. During the coming weeks/months, I intend to fit a reg, longer cylinder and shroud, short stroking with possible improvement to the trigger unit. When I say 'I INTEND' to do these things..........................well not exactly me but with help from a friend...............I hope. I really do like this little gun now fitted with a Mamba Lite 3-12x44 scope. Phil
  17. Because I am retired, I can go shooting at the drop of a hat, so to speak and with that in mind it is normally on my own as my shooting friends are working. The only time I go out with anyone is on a weekend but in truth I prefer weekdays, always quieter. Phil
  18. HEY Mitch, nice to see you back mate. Phil
  19. My wife showed me a trick with pheasant preparation that was new to me. Chop off the head as close to the crop as possible, lay the bird on it's back with wings outstretched, stand on the wings, grab hold of the feet and PULL I couldn't believe it, the feathers and guts lay on the floor with my wife holding a perfectly cleaned pheasant......................................clever or what. Phil
  20. I would have to answer that at a later date because I have only just picked up my .22 FAC last Sat then been on holiday for a week. Not even fitted a scope as yet so no range time and no idea what will be an average shooting distance but looking at my perm, I would say 25-50mt and to be quite honest I don't think 50mts will be on the cards that much. Whatever the distance, it will be nice to have some serious falling down power at my disposal. phil
  21. Looks sooooooooo good Mark, will a thick slice fit in a jiffy bag heading for North Linc's perhaps,..............or not. Phil
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