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Everything posted by philpot

  1. Little cock syndrome, who the fcuk has been talking, it is just the way I walk............................ It is as already said Rez an Ultra max .177 Phil
  2. Do you mean me David, if so I'm Phil, not John but if you are asking me, then here they are imported from Malmo Guns http://www.malmoguns.com/gun-listings/?fwp_search=eos The one in the photo is centre bottom http://www.malmoguns.com/gun-listings/?fwp_search=eos&fwp_paged=4 Phil
  3. I think you might be right there David. The gun at the top is a Berretta DT10,32'' sporter without the extended chokes in. Next one down is a gun I suspect you have never heard of called a Redolfi EOS 30'' sporter. It is an Italian gun maker who for years made high grade guns and barrels for other makers but have now made guns in their own name, superb gun, very fast handling, my wife's pride and joy. Phil
  4. I bought another gun cabinet for 6 guns the other week so I could keep my guns downstairs and my wife's gun and a friend's gun upstairs out of the way plus I have another shotty in the RFD up for sale so things were getting a little tight. I think I have what is known as'musthaveagunitis' but is there a cure, my god I find myself planning for what I am going to get next year, thank god my state pension kicks in on New Years Day.............................65, who wud av thunk it.................. Oh sod it, you only live once or do we !!!! Phil
  5. In the garage Rez...........................................BAD LAD I basically don't take the guns out if it is raining so not an issue but if they become wet while out, wipe off excess before putting back in the sleeve until I get home. When home, I take the stock off and allow to dry at room temperature near a radiator with the action open after taking surplus off with kitchen roll. Why take the stock off, many years ago, I had water get into a shotgun action causing rust so now I don't take the chance and you just don't know how much moisture there is between the stock and metal . An a
  6. Just found this which might be helpful. http://www.loguns16.co.uk/ Phil
  7. Firstly, welcome aboard. I can honestly say that I am totally rubbish at mechanical things so I cannot help you at all but I an guessing that someone will be along who could advise. I wish you well with your problem. but if you don't want to strip the gun down, taking it in to an RFD is your best course of action. Phil
  8. I agree with Sean, don't buy online until at least you have looked through one to see if it suits you and even then in a shop is not always so easy to get a feel of what they are really like on the gun. You are better off having a scan through other peoples at the range to see which you like before splashing the cash. Phil
  9. I can only agree with the above. There are plenty of others such as Huggett, Twink, Swift Stumpy etc etc but the HW is as good as any and better than most. Phil
  10. I was toying with a hour or two with the NV tonight, no wind or rain, we have fog so thick I can see around 30mt, I wouldn't even take the car out tonight. Phil
  11. Silly question perhaps but have you contacted Hull Cartridge, they WILL know. Phil
  12. Nelly, I am doing nothing with the Laserking at the moment and Jimmy has first call if I do decide to sell it although I am sure my son in law will be after it once he has seen it. I want to find out just how good it is. I have taken it off for the moment and put on a Mamba Lite 3-12x44 which feels better straight away but I may just switch back for some tests. The weight is not bad at all on the gun and may even put it on the TX which has no scope on at the moment. Not rushing into anything. Phil
  13. It will be off tomorrow Sean with one of the Mamba Lites taking it's place....................................anyone want a laser king ? Phil How much do you want for it Phil atvbmac :thumbs: I really don't know Jimmy as I know nothing about them and as I only picked up the rifle yesterday afternoon, I have not had chance to play with it properly as yet so no idea what it is like. I confess that I prefer a side focus scope not a fixed focal length although it seems fine looking out of the garden and across the fields. I was going to take it off today and pop on one of my
  14. It will be off tomorrow Sean with one of the Mamba Lites taking it's place....................................anyone want a laser king ? Phil
  15. Si and I were chatting via PM yesterday but he was working in York today otherwise we would have met up for a coffee. The deal I got was spot on, they know how to look after a customer. I can quite understand that these don't appeal to everyone and I don't like bullpups normally but these are just different to hold and shoot for me at any rate. I had a look at the new AA bullpup in the shop (can't remember it's name) really awful thing, feels sh1t in the shoulder with lousy balance. When I get the scope tested and sorted if needed, I will do a review. Phil
  16. Well after making me go somewhat green with envy when he posted about buying an FX Wildcat when he knew I wanted one, not a nice thing to do to mates. THEN He has the fcuking nerve to tell me that Pickering Guns, where he bought his gun from has a .22 in the shop ready to go to a new home. That really just takes the p1ss. SO What option did I have................................exactly.........................no option, a drive up to Pickering today and that bloody gun was just sat there saying ' BUY ME PHILPOT, BUY ME'...........................................well what coul
  17. Any RFD would be able to get you one for about £35-45 each. Contact ' Browns Lock Stock & Barrel' in Sheffield as they often have s/h spare chokes kicking around. Phil
  18. Got em Mark..........now something different. Phil
  19. Taking this marking a little further, I spoke to my friend in London who has both Wildcats and Impact so he is a real fan of FX and he sent me this link which shows how to remove the scrape from the tension bar. Might need to know how to do this Si Phil
  20. A really great photo Billy Phil
  21. Could be sorting mine tomorrow............................... Phil
  22. To be honest, I will be in a hotel as well more than likely. Old tarts like me have to take care of ourselves. Phil
  23. Accupel or jsb's. Sometimes use AA. Just depends on which comes out of the box. They all work equally well Cheers Moxy
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