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Everything posted by philpot

  1. Well let's face it we keep saying we are going to get together, might as well add some humiliation into the mix as well. Phil
  2. I think it was Tony I spoke to. I only applied for FAC air Mitch, not interested in live ammo for two reasons, firstly, I have a few footpaths crossing my perm which could be a nightmare when trying to get an FAC ticket and to honest now that I am a retired old pensioner keeping ammo costs down is important considering I spend enough on 12gauge cartridges already. Mark the umph this 28ft/lb hits with is amazing. With other commitments, high winds Xmas etc. I just have not been using the gun for much hunting at all but the few pigeons, crows and one rabbit shot with it just gave kill
  3. Well, this might be worth getting the sat nav and passport out, load my little guns and drive due north. Phil
  4. As you know, I dipped my foot into FAC country and the only gun that I really considered was a Rapid at 28ft/lb simply because of their reputation in FAC guns and the word of mouth seemed to guide me that way. I am far to inexperienced for my opinion to be worth a great deal in FAC but I will say my Rapid is very accurate on the pellet testing I have done. I visited ASI offices in October, and during my conversation we spoke about the FX Royal range, which, if I were to lash out on a new gun FX as a maker would have to be very seriously considered as approx +% of their guns are made for th
  5. It really is rather nice Sean, good on her mate. Phil
  6. FX do an adjustable set of mounts available from ASI. BKL have riser blocks and I think Sports match have adjustable mounts. Phil
  7. HW100KT. .177. Bisley Mags. Just have confidence in their hitting power. Rapid mk2 FAC. .22. AAField Heavy 18gr, best grouping so far and kill well. TX200HC. .177. AA Express not used for hunting so far. Wildcat .177 and .22. Undergoing pellet testing. Phil
  8. On testing my 28ft/lb, AA Field Heavy 18gr is giving really tight groups so I am sticking with those. Phil
  9. If anybody knows Jimmy's surname, please pm me. I have sent him a pm but need the surname for a parcel that I want to drop into our village shop for early collection in the morning. Thanks Phil
  10. There again Mitch, a bit of what you fancy does you good, as they say. Phil
  11. Nelly ??????! Well well well That lad is buying more guns than me. Phil
  12. Same back at you Mark I see the old couple are coming into there own now mate and putting all the young modern ones to shame so you will be selling the trex then atvbjimmy :thumbs: No Mac, I think that I will stay as I am now, all keepers. There`s no doubt the classics really test your shooting skills and are packed with character and soul . Once mastered the FWB`s are incredibly good hunting rifles. The TX200 hc mk3 is one accurate rifle that has taken a lot of vermin from my perm`s and bomb proof ( as you know). The HW 100`s,
  13. I can't disagree Si, a contradiction in terms I think. I have been toying with that idea and may well check that out Si. Phil
  14. Ha ha you buggers....... My oldest daughter has offered a mobility scooter, my youngest suggested crutches, just because the charity is called 'help the aged' doesn't mean right now............. I still am 30 in my head, 90 when I get out of bed which in reality leaves me in the middle plus a bit. It's been a nice day with the kids around and a full Christmas dinner then just been watching the massive fireworks display across the river for Hull city of culture starting today. As for what to buy this year, well I will be totally honest and say that I have spent a fair amount in
  15. Well apart from it being New Years Day, it is also my 65th birthday which means my gun fund is increased every month thanks to the government giving me extra pocket money.......!!okay it is called state pension but nevertheless it is ALL mine........................yahooooo What shall I buy hmmmmmmmm Oh yes, Happy New Year boys. Phil
  16. Hear hear Jon I could not have put it better myself. Happy New Year one and all. Phil
  17. Load photo bucket onto your phone. Take a photo and upload to the bucket on your phone. You can then upload onto the forum from the phone but to be honest, I open photo bucket on the computer and download the photo which you have already in your library files. Phil
  18. I think I will be going. Phil
  19. Very very nice mate. Scope and pouches will be posted on Monday Jimmy. Phil
  20. Congrats on the new Ultra XL.........sorry, Phox. Nice to see you back. Phil
  21. Handsome Si, really handsome food. Phil
  22. Good for you Marko........ Will this replace the TX as your go to springer I wonder. Phil
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