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Everything posted by philpot

  1. Over the last few weeks I have seen a number of Youtube reviews for the new 688 Performance o/u clay gun, with a laminated stock, not normally something which floats my boat BUT the reviews are really complimentery about this gun which whilst not cheap (what is cheap nowadays), it sits between the Silver Pigeon and the 694 averaging around £3k. As a retired ole fart, spending that sort of money is not something I can easily do although my cottage is up for sale so a new gun will be on the cards when we move. My clay shooting has over the past couple of years taken a back seat due to g
  2. Right Shaun, firstly, welcome aboard matey. As to your scope fixing, may I say that the scope you have bought is not really suited to a sub 12 air rifle, a 3 - 12 x 40 or 50 is ideal and the Hawke range is used by a huge number of air rifle shooters. Soooooo if you want to use the one you have, because of it being oversized tube and 56mm lens, you will have to go for high mounts to clear the lens from the picatiny rail. Take it into your local dealer to check the right one but 34mm tubes are just not used by many people so getting scope mounts is not easy, check with Ants Supplies if your
  3. Well in a couple of days we will reach the official last day of winter although we have a very heavy frost this morning with a low of -2 degrees last night so perhaps we enter Spring with a thermal vest on. I have had a couple of sessions on the pigeon coming in to roost but not been out at night on the rabbits, I just have not felt like going out on cold nights whereas a few years ago I would be out on the rats and rabbits, I simply don't have the desire to leave the warmth of the cottage which I suspect that is perhaps something that comes with age. At the ripe old age of 73, I think I have
  4. I think we might go this year to the show, missed the last couple of years although I cannot afford to buy anything othe than a cup of coffee............
  5. Is this the Harrogate show in May Jimmy. Phil
  6. Now we are talking FX not one of those crappy daystates Jimmy. Phil
  7. I have to say that I do like the look of this one BUT could I hand over £1800 for it....................................................................NO BLOODY WAY. # Phil
  8. What the hell have you been drinking Jimmy to even ask if it will be a good gun, of course it won't, it will be another crock of shite that Daystate knocks out which is bound to fail and naturally it will be the fault of the owner and not the gun. i am surprised at you Jimmy, silly old bugger Phil
  9. Welcome aboards Owen. I don't think this guy ever came back on so don't expect a response. Phil
  10. Here is the Test on some of the Akios rods done by Alex on his youtube channel which you may find useful.
  11. Depending what your budget is, the Akios range of 3 piece rods are well worth considering. A chap I know is sponsored by them in part and he will be coming for a casting session with me when he can fit it in, he will be bringing quite a few of the range for me to evaluate but before that he will be carrying out his own test in the next week or two on his youtube channel......... The awful angler. it should be interesting. I have an AFAW Universal Bass rod, 11.5ft casting upto 150grm which is nothing short of superb for both casting and bite detection. I have not tested actual distance but
  12. The Mk2 is not in the same league as the Mk1. I had a Mk2 and found it to be numb and has to fish with a minimum of 6oz otherwise the rod simply doesn't perform. When I was selling mine, I had 4 calls from guys who wanted a Mk1 and would not touch the Mk2, can't blame them.
  13. I have long been a massive fan of Zziplex beach rods linked to a multiplier reel but in September of last year I had a thought about a three piece rod as we were going on holiday to our favourite place in Suffolk but taking our guns, fresh water fishing gear and 7ft sections of beach rods seemed a bit too much and linked to this, I have been getting a few people coming for a casting lesson with these 3 piece rods. How can I help to improve their casting if I don't use a 3 piece rod myself bearing in mind that some of these rods have been known to snap so I have to be careful what advise I giv
  14. Still one of the best although they have more competition now. Phil
  15. Welcome aboard Mike. We get quite a few new members asking the same thing on their first post, it is not going to happen. I have passed on a few perms to people I have got to know and trust them as the farmer or land owner will be playing hell with me if things do not go according to plan. I wish you well in your search but it is well worth getting a number of smaller perms so if you lose one, it is not so bad and the big ones will follow if you do the job right and get referrals. My pal and myself get all our perms nowadays by this method but of course this takes time. Look for scruffy
  16. I don't deal with them as I try to give most of my business to local rfd shops because if we don't support local, they may not be there when we need them and quite a few have closed down in the last couple of years. I am not knocking you for dealing with this outfit, it is just my own school of thought and I know for some people who do not have an rfd close by, companies like these perform a service but a drive to the gun shop is always a good hour or two spent drooling over what we cannot afford. By the way, welcome on board, feel free to join. Phil
  17. It's only 10 mins from the cottage you have been to Jimmy, you can go to this one and I will come round and pick you up so don't give me excuses matey..........
  18. I don't know what this guy is on about, I suspect he has posted the links in the wrong place or even the wrong forum.
  19. Crawfords in Scunthorpe had one in a few weeks ago so give them a call. Phil
  20. Yesterday we popped to the next village to look at a bungalow as we at last have some strong interest in our cottage. For those of you who have been to our cottage will know that Trish and I love old properties, this one is almost 300 years old so to look at a pretty new bungy was not in keeping with our style but this bungy will not need a thing doing to it for the rest of our lives if we can get past the fact that it is newish. So why am I telling you guys about a new bungy...................well I took my laser rangefinder with me and I can get a clear 40yds rifle range in the back garde
  21. Many a true word spoken in gest me thinks and coming from another old fart makes me feel much better Jimmy. Phil
  22. Never mind Liam, one of those things. feel free to join in but don't run off if we make the micky, it's something we do to eachother, no offence ever intended, well perhaps not 'NEVER' but normally not................. Phil
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