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Everything posted by Rogue2015

  1. Anyone got any idea what the fog is like near trowbridge area?

    1. Tiercel


      You have two choices to find out. First is go and have a look and the second is http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/2635427

    2. Rogue2015


      Found out the hard way weather said it was clear but when i got there it was dense fog, very lucky not to have a blank!

  2. This is a real good offer especially this time of year very hard to get hold of something unspoilt
  3. Cracking bitch mate looking fit fair play hope you find the right dog
  4. Run 5 killed 5 dogs on fire last night!

    1. Rogue2015
    2. jukel123


      Sorry mate .I thought you wrote your dog run had caught fire.doh. Hi

    3. Rogue2015


      Haha no prob mate first time i ever run 5 killed all 5 mind fair play to the dogs

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  5. On route to old trafford !!

  6. Hope he gets a good home mate hard to come by a good dog great offer for someone genuine all the best
  7. Atleast your honest mate not like a lot of people i know, hopefully somebody decent will be after a nice ratter
  8. Not a complete waste of time lamping on a full moon for a change my ten month old pup started running the lamp and we bad 5 rabbits for s bonus

  9. Hope he gets a good working home mate sounds like hes had a good start too fair play
  10. Ok thanks for the reply mate its a shame looks a very nice dog perfect for what my mate wants
  11. Looks a cracker mate my friend is looking for rabbiting dog if hes still there by the weekend i would fetch him to buy the dog no problem and he would be well looked after Nd worked regular
  12. All the best finding your dogs mate, some people make me sick hope they get caught and are made to regret it.
  13. Where in south wales are u mate know a lady who sells them me and most people around my area use them always bang on fair play
  14. All the best mate hope you find them a good working home! Seems like a good bunch for someone!
  15. Might know a boy interested in that lurcher bitch mate if gaz dont have her pm me, thanks
  16. Might know of a dog for u mate think hes about 2 its not working as the boy hasnt done much with it as he bought the dog to go with his mates but they packed the terriers in hes got a bellman for sale which has hardly been used aswell if he still got them
  17. You can have it mate its a spare
  18. Iv got one you could have too, where you from mate
  19. I know the guy who owns the dogs which were taken and they were all looked after to exceptional standards and he bred them all himself apart from the old bitch hope he gets them back theres years of breeding in them dogs! I hope he gets them back That show is making him look cruel and them dogs were looked after better than some people look after their kids
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