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Everything posted by Rogue2015

  1. Quad all day mate done it for a long time until I started getting fatter by the week id stick to walking and running with them yourself personally
  2. Thanks, yea it Is a bad photo i was using a headtorch and recording it on an iPhone then screenshotted that from the video
  3. Went for a quick look for a rabbit down behind the local surgery, no rabbits about but this is probably the reason why, heard a rat squealing then an owl landed in a tree with it !
  4. My brother has got two one very slight one faiy strongly built, best dogs hes ever had one is retired now soon he will have 3 as iv bred my 1st xsaluki grey with my 1st x bull grey cant wait to run one on neither can a few of my mates
  5. Great thanks for the info i will definitely be trying that
  6. Your from the valleys too are you mate? Ive only been fishing regularly for about a year so just trying out different places and types of fish and hopefully i will keep enjoying it up to now my favourite has been pike but thats possibly because i have had a few big pike, hopefully try and catch an eel next weekend depending on how work goes
  7. Ok thanks i will have to get myself a permit and hopefully catch one it seems crazy that they can live anywhere and i have never seen one although there was an eel caught in tri nant, a commercial course fishing place not far from me and it was a fair size too!
  8. Ok great thanks for the replies, i would only catch and release if i did ever get to catch one iv caught a load of conger when on boat trips But would love to catch ine in the river whatever size it would be, any idea where i could try and catch one fairly near to the south wales valleys?
  9. Anybody on here wver fish for freshwater eels in rivers? Says on google that that they are in the rivers by me just never seen one and would like to try and catch one ?
  10. Started fishing for pike this year when i heard they were in a local rez which used to have a trout club on it but no longer has it, was well surprised what i had up there only downfall is word soon spread now its being fished every day for them but they are all being put back which is good to hear
  11. Should be a handy pup looking at tge parents atb ?
  12. I have two 1st crosses one is a pitx grey dog and a saluki grey bitch, never thought i would end up with two first crosses for completely different jobs but they both keep me very happy and are both good at their jobs, then my brother got two saluki bull greyhounds which he must have Got extremely lucky with as they are both exceptional at pretty much any task they have faced, one he bred himself the other he bought in i suppose everyone has a perfect imagintion of what they want but getting that perfect imagination in real life is another thing altogether
  13. Caught a good un today batteries were dead in the scales gutted il never know the weight! Was a monster diving out of the water
  14. Caught my first pike today good little fight too bet them big ones put up a fight
  15. Thanks mate hes no world beater just a reliable old dog 6 in October dont think id ever be able to replace him surprised a few if my mates the way he picks up rabbits and will take the sneakiest of squatters oht of their seat too
  16. Hes a dog mate and believe it or not he is a half decent rabbitin dog
  17. The terrier game is fu*ked now they know when the season starts and finishes so they know when to start pulling people and checking their dogs
  18. Do not buy anything off D.B all junk he breeds shi*t and talks sh*t too
  19. I hate anything getting stolen but when its a pet its way worse! Dirty scum hope you get them back mate and the thief gets sorted out! All the best
  20. Sorry to hear that mate im gutted for you, looks like he had a good life while it lasted and thats credit to you! All the best mate
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