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About Ludwig

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    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 29/10/1980

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  1. Doing just fine fezz, below in the snow last week. Hi Frank She looks great there, her brother is doing great although I was a bit pissed when I had a flat bed tipper truck with traverlers in pull up and offer me what he obviouisly thought was afair price for the Pup £30! Don't get me wrong I'd never sell the dog as he's retriving better than I ever hoped and I looking forward to running him but I do enjoy getting offers especially when they are quite flattering amounts (although I want to stress that I'd rather give a dog to a genuine home than except cash from anyone who I fe
  2. Voted and now we're 1% down 49/51 against fox hunting??
  3. Managed to get the net fixed will be testing it tommorrow!! thanks to Gav0000 as I found your drawing very useful; Cheers
  4. the only thing I can think of that hasn't been guessed at is Whippet x grey but I'd have said Bull as a first guess
  5. It depends on the amount of light they experience during the day if they are kept outside in the england the late march thru till may but if you keep them inside as I did with two jills couple of years back (thievin b*****ds in my old neighbourhood broke in to my court) then they will come in with the artificial light which on in the evenings and early mornings. I think the technical term in photosensitive. Hope it helps L***
  6. I got a pup brought over from your side of the water by a chap called Pat O'hare (PM me if you want his details), him and another few guys transport dogs for greyhound tracks; very good service as he had a big air conditioned box van and it only cost £75 to get the dog over. I don't quite see why you'd want a dog from over here as I thought that dogs were cheaper in Ireland? Good luck with it any how. L***
  7. I heard from a mate that anaseed oil on a fenn trap was worked but I aint tried it.
  8. If only I were a wee bit closer L***
  9. If you Donate to the site you can use the For Sale section, you might have more luck there; Nice looking Dog L***
  10. I know that most do not advocate feed in road kill but I once picked up a roe doe off the side of the road it must have been hit within the hour and it was a cold day gutted it and froze it lasted the ferrets for months (only had two gills back then), these days I'd have cooked it mostly my self as it was good meat. but I'd deffinatly advise people to look into Deer Road kill in the right cercumstanses.
  11. Glad to hear it, I will have to stop procastinating and making exuses and just get on with it. Cheers
  12. If you can get away with it then some city/town ponds are crawling with them as they have a great food source in the LOLITS (little old lady in tennis shoes) who come every day and feed half a dozen ducks a loaf of bread each every day (no joke I have seen this happen). Good luck L***
  13. I will be getting the net out to have a look at it tonight, I've only some yellow spun nylon from KPS at the moment will this do???
  14. Sounds like a good idea and they won't break as quick over here as we don't get that sun for 11 months of the year. Lud
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