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About kvnmcwebn

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    Born Hunter

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  1. Posted these before but like showing them off. Beddy bitch on the left, beddy whippet dog on the right. both young.
  2. rather than giving BARF for 2 weeks and then not you could freeze the raw in daily servings and use them a cople of times a week with complete etc on other days which will give a slightly better balence and last untill the next lot is available. Skycats post describes a very good diet with the oats giving a good source of protein with the carbs but raw or cooked, or even both, a few times aweek with complete and table scraps, eggs etc will give good results and give a good broad spectrum of nutrients. Dogs gastric track is not like a cows but is very like a humans and as such can digest a vari
  3. ok,cheers for the details.I will try and keep the diet consistent. I have a beddy thats very picky eater and a beddy whippet that eats like a horse. ive been giving them the barf diet about two weeks a month because thats usually all the breast of lamb my butcher has. I also give them chicken and the od bit of fish and eggs. I will introduce some rice to them now.
  4. skycat is it bad to mix the two diets, i mean barf and dry? I do about two weeks of the month on the barf(breast of lamb) and the rest on pedigree with the odd bit of calcium supplement for my 8month old pup. what do you think? -best kvn
  5. would you ever breed spike to another beddy dave? or just for lurchers?
  6. kvnmcwebn


    what about the good old openel from the hardware shop.
  7. http://www.computerarts.co.uk/tutorials/2d...p?result_page=2 dig around on here youll find some something.
  8. Yes its quite robust for the price. Youd probably only notice the difference if you were doing professional design work day in day out. -best kevin
  9. Very interesting. All the habitat here has "free ranging" sheep. They are the black faced breed and I would class them as semi feral. Trying to get the farmers to keep on top of the dipping would be a tall order but i will bring it up. thanks
  10. i like him, is he nabbing a pigeon in mid air?
  11. Heres jack dubh on the right. sire was 7/8ths whippet 1/8th grey, dam was first x beddy(rillington i think) whippet. On the left is lia, my beddy, gutchcommon bred i think. Hes my first lurcher onluy 8months, fantastic dog, very smart. I think maybe they are smarter than the beddy greys but ive not owned one so im not sure. I think he will make at least 22\". have another pic will try and find it. oh and another thing about jack is that he snaps first and asks questions later. :}
  12. If 16 underkeepers cant do it no one can, and you cant fight the weather. Theres no shortage of habitat here, miles and miles of upland and lowland heather, but now i see that habitat is not the problem. Thanks for the all the info.
  13. ahhh.. Such a shame to loose this magnificent bird.
  14. I recently read an article that worried me. Basically the article says the red grouse population in scotland is in bad shape. And what they attribute the decline to is not foxes or crows but ticks. Apparently they have been studying this for a long time and twenty years ago 4% of the chicks were infested now its 90 odd %. It said some keepers are using pesticides.. but its an uphill battle. Now my parish gun club has miles and miles of the excellent red grouse habitat-maybe some of the best in ireland. Before the 60s there were flocks of them. Now they are scarce-I have only seen 8 this ye
  15. I snapped my carp rod whilst fishing off the rocks for bass several years ago (doh!) My local tackle dealer put a blank in it and tidyed it up for a tenner. Cheers, D. thats reassuring, hopefully i will find a similar solution. regarding the bass breaking the rod, I was fishing for pollack when something nailed a small pollack i had hooked and didnt know about. My rod(not this one) bent in half and nearly snapped. Whatever it was let go after i started dragging it in, the pollack was a mess though-it was definately in someones mouth and whatever it was didnt have big teeth, my bud
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