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About Tannertrading

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  1. I am not sure to be honest IanB started the thread so maybe he can shed some life on it. He seems to be interested in agricultural and equine goods. I only ended up finding out about this thread by googling his details.
  2. The person in question is a fraudster that seems to find it fun to go around online stores and buy expensive products on stolen credit card details. Then leave us the suppliers out of pocket!
  3. I have done some digging and may have found the person of interest selling my products on Ebay. IanB & Mark Addison-Nash would be good to know what products he had from you guys as i am still digging. I have now had a total loss of £1,500 from this person and i am going to do my upmost to try and find him and get him done and get my products back! Drop me an email sales@tannertrading.co.uk if you do not wish to expose it on here. Thanks in anticipation Sam
  4. I have been stung by this fraudster twice in August for a sum just under £1,000! It has been reported to the fraud squad within the police. I just hope this doesn't happen to anyone else. I have also now turned on 3D secure on my website for all payments and I would suggest you do the same which means they can't do this again. I was advised that if they have learnt they can do it once they will try again multiple times.
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