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About bob84

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 09/08/1984

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  1. I'm not jealous jigsaw nice pups ??
  2. I had a whippet hound x Grey I got him a little late at 15mths was doing ok till he hit a round feeder only ever had rabbit's never tried him on anything else. And he'd hunt cover like a spaniel.
  3. Once there's no mileage restrictions on your leas . over here you have the option to buy the car outright after 3 years trade up or hand it back once your not over your mileage
  4. I can't run drains into the mains as it to shallow to get a fall on the pipe so I'm think of a soakhole for the kennels instead just not sure on depth and if I fill it with anything to act as a filter for the water if that make since.
  5. Seen the beagle/springer bit to big for me think I might be looking for something that ain't out there to be honest them cocker/ Russell are pets from what I've been told theirs a nice terriers on donedeal to in kilkenny. Bushing like mad but it a dog in my case it has to be a bitch as only keep bitches a dog would be tormented to death.
  6. How deep would a soakaway need to be would you have to put gravel in the bottom of it .
  7. Can't find The add was it on it long .
  8. Looking for a small bushing dog something around terrier size if possible and a bitch pup
  9. Why didn't that the lad that got on stage drop him .
  10. As much as possible with having a pup to start but with no rabbits about and starting work at 6am it's a pain ill keep going and hopefully it will pick up .
  11. Had my oldest out last night she was over the moon because she slipped the dog
  12. Not spouting shite was just saying it would have been more interesting.
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