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Everything posted by ferretingnewbie

  1. Don't know if the video work again?
  2. If anyone's got a locater for sale can they inbox me. Preferably around suffolk Cambridgeshire area if pickup or will pay for postage. Cheers
  3. ?. without the radiator and just the insolation won't that be hot in the summer months Day or night?
  4. I'm not bothered about them chasing deer fox hares whatever, there not quick enough it lasts about 30 seconds and they give up. There slow not in anyway like a whippet greyhound. I let them cos I no nothing will happen it tires them out. Even if it 2 legs I doubt they would catch it tbh. OK maybe it was my fault then I didn't think about deer control. He didn't explain just shouted he's mouth off. The size of the c##t with the gun aswell probably could of knocked me round the field a few times was glad to walk off tbh
  5. Box office at 11. I hope joshua wins but want him to earn it, don't want a Ko in first couple of rounds. Starts at 6 Joshua on at 11 then was it? Caught a glimpse of it earlier on fb. I would of paid for it and missed it lol
  6. Box office at 11. I hope joshua wins but want him to earn it, don't want a Ko in first couple of rounds.
  7. Yeh finished building everything now. He's a lot calmer. Still can't help but feel sorry for him and want 2 get another ferret now. Just jot sure what to get and how to introduce them. I might rehome a jill already done from a rehousing place in essex. I don't want to breed them just he looks a bit bored on his own.
  8. He still keeps following them but he's getting better at ignoring them when I call him. Took them out today and they were gone a couple of minutes so I went to find them and they were digging in an old fallen tree. Both winning so I decided to let them carry on and they dragged a rabbit out. Il freeze it for a few days and give it to the new ferret ?☺
  9. Seems like they like them aswell now ?
  10. Think because he broke and entered someone elses property? Lol so he breaks into someones place not nice i agree ive had my place broken into not worth letting two dogs chew a man to death for, as for you lads that want people ripped to feck i take you will be doing something about adam johnston as he got six years will not serve it all and did far worse than nick a few items. Adam Johnson with an underage girl is slightly different to someone in your property don't you think? If it was your daughter and your house you would compare them the same then?
  11. Thanks for the reply. He was in a small rabbit hutch but I read your reply so I've started to make a bigger home for him. I've started but not finished yet. I bought a second hand shed and put a different hutch inside. I've bought a ball pit, cat post, cat balls, a wheel Barrow tyre, carpet, and a storage box to fill with shredded paper and sawdust. I havn't bought another ferret yet because I'm unsure what to get. Gill or hob. Its my sons ferret and he lives being out there with him so not in any rush.
  12. Hello. I git my first ferret today. He's 2 years old. The man I bought him from said he's always lived on his own handles well and only gets him out once a week. I have no problems with that he does handle well kids love him and can hold him no problems. Its his first night here but I just wanted to no 1 thing.i showed him to the dogs they took no interest let him run round the house for half an hour with the kids but [BANNED TEXT] I put him in his hutch he's pacing up and down won't sit still or lay down. Is this normal and he's just getting used to new surroundings or have I done something w
  13. my mate had a dog exactly the same. Lovely looking dog
  14. Ok thanks il give it a go. He's just turned 1. I don't shoot mate. I don't do any "hunting" yet It just interests me. I got a bit of ferreting permission a few months ago but havn't done anything about it yet.
  15. Thats him. Oh ok maybe that's why. Yeh il try but he's pretty stubborn lol
  16. He's a mungrel. Mum was a springador dad was a staff.
  17. It's not that bad it's just annoying if I don't want him to run off until he's ready to come back. Sorry I should of been more clear I don't want him to chase rabbits either I just ment other animals can run in front of him and he doesn't take a blind bit of notice , pheasants just seem to be what he's after. Hopefully he will stop 1 day. Cheers
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