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Everything posted by ferretingnewbie

  1. Has anyone got any ideas what the lump on my dog could be? It's on his side just below his ribs. It come up over night, there was nothing there yesterday and I just got home from work today it's the size of half a tennis ball. I didn't see it this morning before I went it was pitch black. He has no pain if I rub it, but if I do he pisses all over the place. It's not rock hard but it's not soft either. He's booked into the vets for tomorrow morning. He's still eating but I don't want to walk him tonight he's running round the garden ok. Any ideas would much be appreciated please
  2. Thanks for the replys il try that. Its still really overgrown here at the moment so gona give it a few weeks yet. It was my first ferret mainly cos the kids wanted to start ferreting but quite happy I don't have to dig to him as only take him when walking the dogs on a mooch. I got permission of a couple of fields off a farmer last year but all of a sudden they have disappeared. Noticed yesterday from the dogs there's fox and cubs not far away so guessing that's where there all gone. The bloke I bought it went from ferreting to shooting apparently. He gave it all up so I bought the lot off him
  3. Thanks mate. That was helpful. Much abliged
  4. Just a quick question. I bought a working ferret last year off someone, he was 3 years old and used to it all already, I've been quite lucky with him I can put him in my pocket on a mooch and never have to dig to him so quite handy if I'm taking the dogs out for a bit and don't have to take everything with me. This year I have 2 jills which I want to work. It will be there first season (both 7 months now.) There both tame now and kids play with them everyday 2. The only thing I'm worried about is will they just run off or pick it up quite quickly? There from working lines. Also it sounds a
  5. <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid1379.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fah159%2Ffctmjonny%2FMobile%2520Uploads%2FXiaoYing_Video_1474658923114_zpsxq0smmby.mp4">
  6. Does anyone on here do this? Is it OK too?
  7. My bird got him as a pet. His x pomeranian. Ugly as f**k but seems to be quite good on walks bringing a few rabbits back. Seems natural 2 him
  8. Little walk this morning 1 for the ferret!
  9. I have no knowledge to do with this what so ever but why not look online in other places read other threads on here or at least buy and read books about it first?
  10. Thanks for the advice. Picking up another silver jill tomorrow to put in with her. Different litter and 3 weeks younger hopefully all goes well
  11. I havn't got anymore hutches though ?. If they don't get on il have to sort another one out somehow
  12. Ok, Can I get another jill kit and put them together now or will she see it as her hutch and not except another one now? The bloke I got her from doesn't have any more from the same litter but has jills from a different lot 2 weeks younger than her.
  13. Thanks for the advice. I'm not really keen on the idea of getting 2 jills just personal preference. I couldn't move them as I've built the cages on top of each other. Anyway I've been shopping them about like was said. She still carried in screeching so in the end I put them together in a neutral place. When I did they were both making that dooking noise and had a smell of each other then he grabbed her by the neck to take her back to his cage. I took them apart and everytime he does it I keep taking them apart. Its alot better now between them still separate cages and I think il let them pl
  14. Shes fine if me or the kids hold her and fine around the dogs just if it sees the hob she screeches and doesn't seem to like him at all. OK il try swapping them round every week, cheers
  15. That's what the bloke said who I bought her her from. He recons he's bred them about 10 years. They were fine last night and today. she's eaten well 2. I let them meet through the mesh this afternoon, the hobs fine he makes that "happy noise" and just laid by her smelling but the kit was going f***ing spastic. She was biting the cage screaming and trying to bite him so I put him back in his cage. Now there quiet again both gone to sleep
  16. I have a 4 year old hob had him a few months now, he's my first ferret bought him for the kids to start ferreting hes on he his own, he was kept on his own when I bought him. He's been fine but felt sorry for him so built another hutch in the shed and from previous advice I bought a jill kit to give him company. I got her today and I'm guessing they can smell each other. One cage is on top of the other so they can't see each other. The older male one is fine he's carrying on like normal but smelling the air and scenting everywhere in he's cage. The jill is 8 weeks but it won't stop screaming
  17. Or his age? Or type of breed? I posted a few months ago he only liked finding pheasants but lately it's anything that moves, deer pheasants or rabbits. He's mum was the springador and they worked her. He tracks and yaps as he's following where they go, he can follow scent and I like that. He marks where things have gone and then barks 2 tell me. This doesn't bother me because he will come back get me and show me where. it's just going back I don't think he ever wants to go back hime lol
  18. I wouldnt use the electric collar properly I don't no how, I would probably make him worse some how. He is very food orientated il go back and try that, thanks. Away from the car in fields like you said he's fine, anywhere new, where there's other dogs or people he's fine he is literally on my toes. Its just this bloody field on the way back to the car before work. It's a rape field with a track, rabbits, deer and pheasants are along here in and out the rape, maybe it's to much temptation for him. Would it make a difference he's got his bollocks and the other one hasn't?
  19. There Mongrels to be honest. The good one now is border terrier mixed with something God only knows. The one playing up is a springador x staffy. He was good as gold until a week ago. If I walk somewhere different or new to him he stays behind my feet literally clips my heels and follows me everywhere. There's only one way back to the car unfortunately but I could put the lead on earlier next time just worried if I do that will I have to do it earlier and earlier each time until he can't be let off the lead. I wouldn't mind as much but it's not to do anything particular as such. If there's
  20. As the title. I have 2 dogs both 16 months old. 1 I trained from a puppy and 1 I rescued at 10 months. The one I rescued was an arse hole at the start and would never come back but started copying my first dog and now he's great, he won't walk 30 yards before he turns back and waits. But now the dog which was good that I had first stays by my side until the last field back to the car to go home and then he's a c##t. He won't come back until he's ready to do what he wants. I've tried putting him on a lead and letting the other one carry on as usual to see if that worked but it didn't. He know
  21. Does this have mixy? My dog keeps retrieving dead bunny's like this in rape fields. Pretty sure he's not catching and killing them but 1 or 2 every morning
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