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About ferretingnewbie

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 20/04/1986

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  1. Was bored so had a go on a few. Sorry if stole ya thunder ?
  2. Ferret won't have a problem finding where to go. can't you just cut the brambles back? I used a battery chainsaw thing before off ebay was about £20. Light and uses makita battery's
  3. Charlie has 5 pound... Mohammed takes 3, What colour is Mohammed
  4. And it's where I live £2000 would pay a years rent. It's stupid lately, Russell about £600, every cross dog about a grand even when there a couple of years old untrained they want the same money. Money making c**ts
  5. I've just seen a post on gumtree for labradors. I no there not the cheapest dog but since when did one cost £2000? Although the add does say that they are charcoal and champagne not yellow and black, maybe that's what the price is for?? £2000 for a fu****g puppy! F**k me
  6. I'm not scared of getting bit she had done it a few times I think it's because they never held her. I've now tried the finger in the mouth and scruff on the neck, she ignores it and carrys on biting. I've tried feeding her first then holding her, let her have a few hours playing in the shed doing her own thing then trying to hold her aswell. She will let me pick her up but then tries to bite to let me drop her like I said before but no I don't let go just take the bite and all the things I've tried like mentioned but she won't stop. The new hob and my full hob get on like a house on fire. She
  7. The 2 hours they have together there fine no fighting just playing. The jill nips still but it's a playfully nip, the hob I got is completely fine he just wants to be held. They never let them out the cage the year they had them. I've given them rabbit and pigeon so far and he will let me hold him as long as I want. She is a c##t she let's me hold her to get her out then tries to bite so I drop her and she can run away. Any advice on letting me hold her longer would help 2 thanks
  8. I got given a neutered hob and jill last weekend someone didn't want, they said they were pets fed only on dry food and can't be handled because they bite. I already have a working intire hob, had him about 2 years. He's about 5 now. They've been in separate cages but next to each other for a week now and keep "dooking"! Anyway I let them all play together the intire hob tried to shag the jill but she put him in his place and he stopped trying straight away, the natured hob let's him do what he wants to him. Is it safe yet to put them all together or will they fight when I'm Not there? At the
  9. That albino 11 month old is back on Gumtree again today. £30 in Royston
  10. Yeh that's the bloke he's got hundreds of lawn mowers and bikes lol. OK nice 1
  11. I havn't got a number I drove and knocked on his door. Lives opposite the fire station always got shit for sale outside his house. My mates using my hob this weekend on his jill. If you can wait that long your boy can have 1 free if you like
  12. I got mine from Thaxted just down the road he's normally always got some kept back. Them ones at Royston been on Gumtree for about 3 months off and on if there the same albino hobs
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