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Everything posted by AirGunnerSA

  1. Hey guys here is an interesting video on mine enjoy
  2. Thanks bud but the wolverine is capable of doing it at very long rages but the grass is to long to see them from a distance
  3. Something new from South Africa Enjoy
  4. Hey Guys, Here is my latest video and someting interesting that might help you get the best out of your air rifle, enjoy!
  5. Happy New year to all of you I know im a bit late but i hope you enjoy it Cheers
  6. Enjoy guys https://youtu.be/R-FUTf3oO4s
  7. No that would spoil my hunt my friend Nope unfortunately not. The Karoo Thrush is one of 10 Thrush species in South Africa and the only one that eat small fish and you birds.
  8. Hey guys here is another one enjoy https://youtu.be/27mLNIzgVUg
  9. Thank you very much for your support and the nice comment i really appreciate it Regards Marno
  10. Thank you very much i here exactly what you are saying and i too take my hat off to the guys who can shoot a rabbit at that range with a 12 fpe air gun. In my case at 133 yards the pellet is at +- 5 fpe. Hitting the dove to low, it would have been injured or fall down not dead yet. So shot placement is critical. I am not saying i am the best shot in the world but take a look through your scope and see how small a dove is at 133 yards. Then take a digital camera and set it up behind your scope, look through the camera at the dove and try to keep it as steady as possible. That is the art in
  11. Hi there friends Well the last couple of days if got some bad replies on my 133 yard head shot video, people that say its a fluke, fake or that it is impossible. Well i am very sorry to disappoint you but that shot is 100% REAL and just to show you that I am not a fake here is on of my videos, I really hope you like it and thanks for everyones support Reagards Marno https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ySMJWdO1hUU
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