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About Gibbo.13

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 13/06/1987

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  1. Hi all, I had to have my hob put to sleep yesterday so I am asking if anyone has a hob I can use over one of my jills? I am near Gatwick airport. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Gibbo.
  2. You got anymore information?
  3. Where abouts are you located please? Thanks Craig.
  4. The same thing has happened to my hobs and have been told it's normal.
  5. Looking for a jill maybe two near Gatwick Surrey or Ashford Kent as currently working there, PM me please. Thanks Craig.
  6. Thanks for the info buddy, I have replaced the batteries in both the finder and collar with no change but only tried it indoors so will try it outdoors.
  7. Yeah but seem all over the place, I believe it's faulty but want someone else to confirm it so I can give it back.
  8. Never used one before so watched a couple of YouTube videos to help me out but it's acting diffently so wanted someone that knows how they work to look at it to confirm it's faulty so I can give it back.
  9. Hi people, I brought a used mk3 finder and collar and I'm not sure if its working correctly, is anyone near Gatwick that I could bring it to so they can have a look at it and tell me if I need to get my money back. Thanks Craig.
  10. Thanks lads for the replies, now I know they do kill ferrets I will be more vigilant and take action if needed.
  11. It hasn't been back since but I'm sure it will, shooting it isn't a option so will have to trap as you said.
  12. Did think about the catapult but not really the solution so if it carries on be a nuisance i will have to trap it.
  13. I've got one more slab that i can put down at the side of the run which is where the fox started digging.
  14. I've barracaded around the run but can't move them to the shed as it's a hutch and run, for the fox to get in or the ferrets to out the slabs will have to be moved which are 60cm x 60cm so quite heavy.
  15. So would you be worried by it or not? As I'm not going to be able to settle, I've been up and down like a yo yo ready to chase it.
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