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Everything posted by redmoor

  1. i dont think its that easy for people to find spare cash at the moment with how the economy is now, & how were getting stung these days... theres only so much you can ask for... No, i know there is..it was more tongue in cheek than anything. Cheers MadAl..
  2. Tatas..that made me laugh out loud!!! Just wanted to give this a wee bump and an update..up to £164 now..had an email from Gill this morning..she is blown away by the genrosity of all you people and asked me again to pass my thanks on. I'd love to try and get the amount to £200 by tomorrow night..if anyone else out there fancies giving the total a little boost? This has been a tough week for her..shaving her head was awful i believe, but looking at her fundraising is helping. There but for the grace of God and and all that. A shameless bump!
  3. Thank you..i am gobsmacked at the generosity of people..something like this restores faith in mankind, doesnt it? People who dont know Gill and will never meet her, prepared to offer their money to help. What more can i say..thanks seems a bit hollow. My mum and neighbour gave another £20 between them...it all adds up.
  4. £134 now...brilliant...thank you for all the good thoughts too..they are well appreciated.
  5. Great news guys..up to £114..fantastic..Gill is so delighted.
  6. You are a special bunch, you really are..up to £94 now..and now even 24hrs into the campaign. Thank you so much. xx
  7. Thank you Jef..really appreciated. The amount is up to £62 now.
  8. There is now £45 in the 'kitty' that was empty a few hours ago - big thank you to all...the minimum donation is £2 and gift aid is added to this if tick the right boxes. She will be sooo chuffed when she sees it tomorrow morning.
  9. Thanks to anyone thinking or her, donating etc..she will appreciate it, i can tell you. Three days after her chemo she was back at work and working as normal..she is some girl. Any disease is cruel..but somehow one that can affect so many people is very scary. She waited so many years for this baby and boy, is that kiddie loved..yet something like this comes along and threatens to wreck everything. Thanks again all. xx
  10. Sorry i didnt mean to upset anyone. We are all just so gutted for her and trying to help in anyway we can. I guess there arent many people who dont know someone taken by this awful disease..its so cruel.
  11. Moxy...thank you so much..i cant tell you how much it is appreciated.
  12. We all do that though..i faced cervical cancer last year..luckily they managed to 'get' all the bad cells and cut them out..but its a scary thing. Something like that makes you see life different..i used to lie in bed and wonder if i'd ever see my girls get married or get a job etc..i watch Gill coping with all of this and think she is amazing. We are all doing our bit to help her with fundraising etc..she seems to be putting all her effort/anger/fears into raising money - she feels that way that a positive will come out of what is happening. Hats off to her.
  13. Thank you, so do i, she is an amazing person with a steel will..i hope she beats this awful disease.
  14. I work with a girl who is a veterinary nurse..she is 35y old and has a baby..she has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer and is currently undergoing chemotherapy..she still faces radiotherapy and possible further treatment after that. She shaved her head today rather than watch her long, blonde corkscrew curls fall out one by one. Instead of sitting feeling sorry for herself she is trying to raise as much money as she can for the charities that are helping her cope right now. If anyone can spare anything to try and help her, i cant put into words how appreciated it woul
  15. redmoor


    Funny how men always get their millimeters and inches mixed up isnt it?
  16. Cheers for that. How hard would it be to start something that was just purely racing..no money..just a fun thing for Lurchers/Whippets etc in Scotland?
  17. Is there anywhere that you can race Lurchers in Scotland?
  18. Whereabouts are you? In Scotland..looking for pup for my boss.
  19. Le Chameau Vatna..brilliant in all conditions.
  20. My only thought was that it would be a solution for walking the dogs if he doesnt have time to run them separately. He'd have to clarify the situation himself, but it sounds like they all get a bit hyped up for the walk and start squabbling...you are right though, it certainly wouldnt solve the problem if they scrap whenever they are together. My friends' 2 terrier bitches dont get along in the yard, but will hunt together no problem..i guess the focus is off each other when they are working.
  21. Ok..i've read it again ^^ where does it say he is doing anything other than walking the dogs? Is it a full moon tonight or something with you lot..or do you always just spoil for a squabble? Thanks Tote..i wasnt the only one who read it right, then?
  22. Errr...he said when he was walking them..not running them on quarry..hence the reason muzzles would be useable...
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