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Everything posted by redmoor

  1. Thanks for that..that seems sensible. If there is no livestock/birds..what other trouble will they cause? I feel sad that they are often shot purely just for being there. I would have no hesitation in shooting a fox that was taking birds etc but i dont see why they are shot just for the sake of it. They are a part of our wildlife and a predator (i know they are seen as vermin) but they do seem to be hated by some quarters.
  2. Why control vermin (foxes) in an area where they are killing rabbits and not affecting livestock/ground birds though?
  3. I dont want any silly comments/arguments on this..i just want to ask the question. First off..i am not an anti - i work my terriers/lurcher on rabbits, we have working gundogs and my husband shoots (rabbits/pigeon/crow etc). Where we live, it is all arable land, there is a big problem with rabbits and they do a lot of damage to crops/land. The nearest place that rears young gamebirds is where my husband shoots about 9miles away. There is no livestock around here..plenty horses..millions of rabbits..but nothing off the farms for the foxes to predate. I have to be honest and say that i t
  4. redmoor


    Diazepam 5mg is the best thing for fireworks..the dog can still move around but tends to sleep deeply, prior to Diazepam, ACP was used..this is a heavy sedative that makes the dog wobbly and disorientated, its now thought that this makes them more fearful. I also use DAP spray and on the two that are badly affected Zylkene..a milk protein food supplement..has worked a treat this year and last.
  5. My colleagues were on TV today for Wear it Pink day..one of the receptionists had her head shaved as a fund raiser..how brave is that? http://video.stv.tv/bc/news-northtonight-tayside-20081031/ The piece on the head shave is almost at the end of the broadcast. I should also publicly apologise to all the men in the pub at lunctime that i coerced into buying one of my VERY pink fairy cakes..they all politely ate it along with their pint and threw lots of money in the bucket..many apologies for runing your lunch-time pints!!!! The fund is now up to over £1300 with more money coming in
  6. Wee update..fund is up to £1241.00 - we have a big fundraising day on October 31st and are currently organising a coffee morning (all in pink of course) in November as well as an art show and various other things. Gill has had her 2nd chemo and is doing ok.
  7. Yeah...we should show this to all these fat arsed governments tw*ts who see fit to dictate how everyone else lives their lives and spends their time..and yeah, you all do have hearts..big ones..if these idiot politicians spent less time talking and more time doing they would do better. I am so grateful to you all for all your kindness, for all the pms of support and the money you all donated..it is appreciated more than can be put into plain words.
  8. £976...think she's going to have to review her 'target'!!!
  9. £896..in a week..not bad going!! She is a girl and a half.
  10. Arrogant men, i hate greed in a person, body odour..yuck..i've been married since i was 21y old and am now 40y and its still fab..wouldnt swop him for the world.
  11. Thank you Ooty. Gill's story was in the local paper today..i thought you would all like to see what she said.. http://www.thecourier.co.uk/output/2008/10...y12065100t0.asp The amount is now £569 plus there are lots of donations coming in from clients in cheque/cash form too.
  12. Old Jack... Brilliant rabbiter in his day..he is now 12y old and slowing down and can no longer catch them..but he will kill them if someone else doesnt finish one off! He still runs but just not as fast. Jack is a big lad 16" at TTS and weighs about 26lbs. Holly, will be 6y at Christmas..great on rabbits..gets a job up north every summer on the crofts! 14" TTS and weighs 18lbs..solid little dog. I've had Jacks for the past 20y and would always have one..great dogs to live with too.
  13. Brilliant...all..thanks again...she is completely blown away by the amount raised so far...putting her efforts into this seems to help..and anything that helps has to be good. Dru, Zap, Hannah pig, Jef and everyone who has helped..thanks. Up to £549 now...awesome.
  14. The money isnt for her..the money goes straight to the breast cancer fund..that's who its payable too..its just that it is listed under her name...she wants to support the agencies that are supporting her through her treatment..some of the money that is raised will stay with the cancer fund, some will go to a centre which helps people with cancer and the rest will go to the Mcmillan Nurses who also offer help/advice/support to cancer sufferers and their families. She doesnt get (or want) any of the money raised. Sitting at £504 now..over halfway.
  15. £404 now..after only 3 days..how awesome is that?
  16. £234...wow...unbelievable..fantastic..thank you to everyone for any donations and all the good thoughts. xx
  17. Cheers for the bump Jef..lol!!! Sitting at £199 now..wow! Sorry to hear about your Gran having it Will..but great news that she is good now.
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