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Northern Rock

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Everything posted by Northern Rock

  1. Nice to see you back on here Andy mate, the gang look well and nice to see them. Mario is shaping up into a beast and I have a real liking for Boots. Got an invite up in Scotland with one of the lads to give the pup a run over xmas. She was doing great until we had house flooded losing the lot and having to have her in kennels for three weeks. She is out again on Monday so can get some fitness back into her . Will pop up for a natter in the New year mate if you fancy it .
  2. Sad times mate Sorry for your loss.
  3. £560 quid , they are £950 in the uk ! we don't half get ripped off
  4. I had pods too, until my terrier pup chewed them, I was gutted, at least she didn't touch my ADIDAS
  5. Kappa ski jacket, kickers, farah slacks and a pringle jumper for me.. I used ti rinse the parents every september
  6. I like it, I thought the start of the new series was really good. Loved taboo too and Narcos.
  7. Exactly mate. I'm no youngster anymore .. I have 12 pairs of brogues, the mrs goes nuts as I have more shoes than her.. about 40 pairs without trainers.
  8. Nice thread. I'm too fat for the old collection of Stone Island, Boss and Fila originals Borg stuff. I am nowadays more of a Barbour, Joules , Thyritt shirts and blazers type of bloke . Classic polos, classic smedley knitwear and brogues is me. I do like Goodwin Smith shoes though, even better as I have a contact for them. Nearly 46 and now accepted that classical looks are better for me. I do have a burberry holdall the ex wife spent £800 on, on my card. I took it out of protest when I left and she trashed a £1000 malt whiskey collection !!! It's chav as feck with the check all over it
  9. I use one with my pup, beam fades after a couple of 100 m but they are light, last well and once you get used to the colour of the light do the job. The 170 is a far better lamp though .
  10. Sorry to read this Lee, i had been following the pups progress. Sometimes , despite all our best efforts fate deals us a shit hand. I think it's bad form and timing for people to be having a dig. We weren't there . Chin up mucker.
  11. My Missus is a primary head, she is in at 7:30, rarely home before 7 and spends 9-11 at least, often until 1am working.
  12. All you can do is introduce and be very firm. Im looking to do the same with my 10month old pup . She knows what she can and cant chase now
  13. Cracking looking pup that atb with her
  14. thanks mate, very little more than 5yds from cover in the daytime and no ferrets yet so night walking it is for now. Had 9 now so getting to know the basics. Still makes some easy mistakes but has to learn . Couldn't be happier with her when on her own though very jealous when out with the terrier. Like a different dog.
  15. Decided on a little run out as the wind was getting up. Five minute walk to first field , dog is not happy , bit of a shiver on , cold wind. Into the field, one too close to the hedge and leave it alone. Next field one hops in just as we switch the lamp on. Get the feeling it's going to be one of those nights. Through the crappiest gateway to the edge of the next field, one sat out. Hiss away and it's on, turns it once, back towards the hedge and she goes to strike as it hits. A big bang and she is yelping. Lamp off and she is screaming and back to me, quick look over and nothing obvious, jus
  16. My old saluki cross was a complete arse. He was good at the job but a fecker for other dogs. When looking for a pup this time around I was wary but the one I have from Fuji which has a good proportion of Saluki from Boots is a cracker. Sensitive but very trainable and a pleasure to have around. 9 and a half months old and lives to hunt already. I would certainly not be put off saluki blood in the future nad these are exceptional pups, full credit to you .
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