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Northern Rock

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Everything posted by Northern Rock

  1. Having had a coursing greyhound back in the day, I think a lot of people underestimate the fire in the right dogs. Mine hated foxes more than anything and at 28" and solid it didn't take long to do what needed to be done, obviously this was preban when coursing greyhounds were out there. Also did 20's on the lamp and a half decent hare dog. Added to that mix I think you will have some quality pups.
  2. Had a saluki grey, was lovely with people but mad protective of the two black terriers I had . Going back some years a lab turned on One of the terriers in some woods near to where we lived . He flew into it and shook it like no tomorrow. By the time myself and its owner got to it was too late. From that point he was an utter liability around strange dogs. Made it a night mare working him . This was pre ban and as well as long ears he was mustard around a hole but I couldn't take anyone else with another dog. Had him pts to keep the piece after he ripped lumps out of a crufts standard rottie.
  3. Always sad to lose a good un. RIP lass
  4. Thank goodness for a happy ending . Hope all went well at the vets.
  5. Brilliant , my little one is three and has Sensory Processing Disorder. He has started fishing and when the pup gets older will be out with us.
  6. I'm North Lancs , I see South Lakes has nothing so prob join mid lancs unless North Yorkshire is settle or sedburgh way
  7. Used to be a member , time to renew now back in the game , got a link to online memberships Rat Face
  8. This is such a good topic to read. A dog showing potential but not for the owner so gets put with a lad who can give her the graft she needs. Well done lads far better than a dog being pissed around .
  9. Top post , Rippem doesn't get the fact they are type, not breed
  10. In the history of the Fell terrier, which is where the patt blood came from there has been white terriers, bull blood, bedlington and border blood added. The old breeders didn't care as long as it grafted, so with a gene pool like that there is always the chance that years later a white will be thrown. My own pup is one of those, if she was Black and Tan she would easily pass as a lakie, black as a patt. She is to all intents a white fell but everyone calls her a Russell. At 14 months old, I don't care what colour she is as long as she starts grafting this season or next. Only thing I will
  11. I am sure they will both make the grade and if they do, Frankels bitch and the Don dog would be a hell of a mix ... Nice pics and dogs
  12. Or a bigger piece and something like a Hoover belt to act as a big elastic band
  13. Use a padsaw or jigsaw to cut the lens out of the clip on one and glue a piece of filter in or even better , use sticky back Velcro so you can change colour if you wish
  14. I'm a photographer by trade so have my trust light meter. in essense the light is 16 times ( approx ) more powerful without the filter and 4 more powerful without the photo filter. So using a piece of photofilter would give a red beam without losing anything like the power of the red filter.
  15. For me it was always sighthound x working dog Longdog as sighthound x sighthound reality is, a dog who does or tries to do all the owner wishes. I know I am looking for one who will work alongside other working breeds and hope to get a pup this summer
  16. Try a piece of photographic red filter, not as thick as the plastic ones so less light reduction. If it works you could cut out the plastic, trim a piece of photo filter to fit and away you go.
  17. I had one I had to move on last Xmas . Beautiful animal, great off the lead pita on the lead. However he was extremely aggressive and a complete Alpha. Great if I was at home but if I went away working, when I got back I had to either ignore him for two days or take him outside and scruff him until he. Submitted. Not easy with a 28" , 40kg dog. In the end he couldn't be trusted around my toddler though he never showed any aggression towards him ever. Was totally stock broken though and now lives with a hill collie on a big farm at Shap. I would never have another, he was a throwback, bigge
  18. Sent you a message re this Whippet, got no reply .
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