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Everything posted by markieboi

  1. hi guys im thinking about getting a air rifle for general pest controll rabbits ect i havent got the biggest budget,and i was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions on what gun would be for me thanks mark
  2. mole you have a pm pal bullterrier its goin for 92 pound already out my price range
  3. hi lads i have 40 ........10z nylon top quality purse nets never used that i would like to swap for a long net with poles let me no if anyones up for swaping thanks mark
  4. hope you got it back pal for his sake
  5. if its a gos its mine (i fooking wish) good luck mate
  6. it says in the first post pal.......................3 and a half foot purse nets 10z nylon high quality let me know offers or swaps for falconry or ferreting kit:D pm me
  7. would part exchange for a ferret locater
  8. just wanted to see if i would get any intrest 40.........3 and a half foot purse nets 10z nylon high quality let me know offers or swaps for falconry or ferreting kit:D pm me
  9. wooohooo i went there he showed me where he would like ferreted and woowee there was alot of bunnys will go up there tommorow and sort them out
  10. Thats what I was thinking or if they didnt drink i would look like a right twit
  11. right lads im going to meet the farmer that wants me to ferret his land im going round today to have a word with him he is going to show me where he wants ferreting ect is there anything I need to remember, I got a bottle of whisky gota admit not the best quality but whisky all the same should I offer this to him as a thank you?
  12. markieboi


    go to a high hill ect get a cheap ass walkie talkie i could pick up police on there and talk to them got in a tad bit of trouble but still lol (planes are good as well)
  13. markieboi

    text talk

    at the end of the day,if you see a post which has text talk ignore it plain and simple really,and to be honest my mate is dislesic(cant spell for sugar) and he is now feeling a bit awkward at leaveing post,and another thing heard of freedom of speech,if you see text talk just ignore it plain and fecking simple.....................its not always because they cant be bothered to type take my friend for example he spells words as he says them does that make him scum ect ect? mark
  14. hi lads sorry didnt reply sooner i got banned for some reason(if someone could tell me why that would be nice) i have got a pretty large farm i have permission on now which im pleased about everyone starts somewhere thanks for your replys mark
  15. look in the yellow pages bud, cheers for all of your help will send letters and see what sort of reply i get, wish me luck
  16. 13 pound for 10 does any one have the website of his? asi think i got his postcode wrong
  17. i see mate yeh i see where you are comeing from im writeing a letter i have got up to dear sir/madam I am writeing to offer my services either ferreting your land. I am prepared to work for this opportunity,cleaning the yard,mucking out ect. ent got a clue what else to say LOL
  18. yeh i understand what your saying mate will do that cheers
  19. for a start mate i didnt say they where rude for not letting me ferret on there land i said rude as the way they spoke and acted
  20. cheers pal u know how much they are aprrox? for 10 oz 3 n a half footers?
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