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Everything posted by markieboi

  1. just thought ill stop being a misrable git and post a pic or 2 well me and jonathan (tabs) went on to one of my permissons and got asked to do a bury by the horse paddock me being me (shit scared of horses) was shitting myself any way me and jonathon started setting the purse nets got to the it was prob the 10th hole i stuck my hand down it for some reason and guess what 100's of fecking wasps started buzzing around soo that resulted in alot of stings and alot of swear words comeing from me any way after jonathan had his little chukkle about it we carried on netting,stuck marria down a few thu
  2. hi guys i was wondering how often should i flea the ferrets now they are working more often and whats the best to make ferrets put on weight as maria onbe of my jills seems to be looseing a bit of weight either that or my other jill missy is growing fast so it looks like she is getting smaller hmmm what do you guys think worms maybe?
  3. top bloke apart from when u got 100 wasps buzzing around you lmao

  4. yeh mine have gone through moult just not in a perfect line so it looks like a mohecken cheers for your reply bud
  5. alright lads just wanted to say my ferret is moulting its tail hair theres a perfect mohecken at the top of its tail goin all the way down to the the bottom thought it was a bit funny its not fleas ect ect as theres a perfect new coat comeing out under it has anyone else had this happen to them
  6. was thinking of getting this as my first working dogs how do you guys think he will be as a worker? my new doggie
  7. i set some traps in a box so no other animals can get to it i used peanut butter and a meaty dog biscuit hope i get the ceeunt
  8. it doesnt say anything about the size of the peg or where the hole should be drilled in the peg thanks mark
  9. Thanks for your replys ill do what ditch says ill call the council tommorrow Thanks Mark
  10. Hi Guys What would the perfect sized snare peg be i.e Lengh and width and how far down the hole should be ? Thanks Mark
  11. i heard that whateva eats something thats been poined gets killed as well
  12. oh f*****g hell went in my shed and a fooking mouse was in there im not how you say a pussy by any means but f**k me i was scared got to be honest with you im not a fan of poisn as whateva eats the rats will die to ect ect
  13. hi my girl friends collie cross springer has just dug a few rats tunnels up (she pointed at loads of rabbits holes when we where out on a walk even tho she has never been trained to do so) i was wondering what would be best to do ? i have no gun or traps so i cant do much lmfao thanks mark
  14. whats the dvd called i will do a search thanks
  15. can anyone suggest a dvd off ebay that's about snareing wabbits as i cant fecking find any
  16. right people i think you have got the wrong end of the stick i ment a copy of his dvd as in a actual copy not a copy of the dvd if this makes sense i would but i know he is not supplieing at the moment due to personal reasons
  17. is he the only person seeling copys?
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