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Everything posted by markieboi

  1. lucky git i hat to promise to tidy and cook for the next month to get the little albinos im getting well it will prepare you for when you move into your own place Mark but i hate tidying n cooking looks like its goin to be beans on toast:D
  2. lucky git i hat to promise to tidy and cook for the next month to get the little albinos im getting
  3. nah im gpoin to leave it i think they like rabbit better anyway cheers fl ditch and other people that have replied
  4. Why do you think its not fair? Because they are sociable and get piss bored on there own. true
  5. just out of intrest how many ferrets do you guys have? thanks mark
  6. how many do you have pal ? as if its buy its self your probly better off getting a friend for her
  7. cheers not putting my baby's at risk
  8. i know what u can and cant feed to ferrets to a certain degree but i been brought round a few mice that where caught in a trap and was wondering if i could feed them to the ferrets not a big meal but still i rather that than be wasted they look healthy ect or is it not worth it?
  9. some ferrets sometimes dont go down unless they can smell rabbit as mine i put on the top of the bury and she goes down the hole she smells most rabbits in and that way she bolts more maybe just my ferret
  10. hi only got £22 to get a long net (only a cheap one which will do the job) needs to be 25yd and any z but higher the better cheers mark
  11. hi guys is the anywhere i can get a 25 yard long net for £22.00 including postage? cheers mark on ebay i can get one but to be honest the seller isnt getting back to me so ill leave it or is there any nets on ebay that are the muts nuts?
  12. ahh i got to have names for em wouldnt have it anyother way
  13. guys i read up that ferrets fed on rabbits are alot more likely to get internal parasites is there anything i can use as appartly Drontal Cat Wormer is supose to be the best what do you guys think?
  14. a big burly me in camo "what are your ferrets called asks the farmer" (says in high semi gay voice missy maria daisy and lovely) how man'ly would that be ahahha
  15. any name suggestions welcome for 2 bino jills
  16. cheers for posting them pal cant wait to pic em up lets hope the rabbits dont come after me in me sleep again
  17. It may work yes, give it a try i would right ill keep trying that thanks
  18. yeh i see do you think putting her down the warren with a experienced ferret would make a diffrence as i have done this a few times but dont really seem to be getting anywhere thanks mark
  19. oh nice one you cant go far wrong with an albino defo guys is there anyway i can get a ferret to start working as one of mine isnt really intrested in bolting the rabits she just goes in one hole and out the other and not even looking around is there anything i could do to try and help or is it just the ferret that needs to relise what it needs to do to get a nice fresh meal
  20. very true about being out and about the company very true note to self take a tube of savlon to any ferreting or hawking trips lol
  21. woops yeh sorry i ment im getting 2 albinos in a few days
  22. thanks fl getting another 2 stinkers in a few days albinos dont you just love em
  23. oh sorry i just presumed that could be the cause but tbh when they are around rabbits there bound to get them that is my way of thinking anyway
  24. not as good as some of the other post but i made a effort:D
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