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Everything posted by markieboi

  1. hi guys do you know if you can pay buy cheqe? cant get no more cash in paypal
  2. hi bud look how much each item is second hand add it up and work it out take care budd
  3. thats cleared it up for me thankyou and i have to say i love your pic lmao very funny
  4. Right im not really sure what the difference is between a long net, gate net, stop net, poke net. apart from a long nets long So come on then what is the difference between each one cheers mark i know how to use long nets
  5. like sending a soldier in to the war with a feather duster
  6. Cheers every one sleeping pills? how long will it take them to work i.e. how far away could the pheasants be and does it work with over the counter sleeping pills, and regards to shooting are they like pigeons all stay at the same tree or a dif tree each night week act Cheers every one
  7. hi guys I was just trying to think of a way to catch some pheasants, I have a air rifle but I don’t see them on the ground till either Im almost standing on them and they fly off clucking or when I do see one the air rifle is the other side of the field do I was thinking is there any other way of catching them and no shot gun is out the question. Any suggestions thanks mark
  8. i thought fruit and veg is undigestible for ferrets?
  9. why you need a muzzle mate if its to use while working your ferret,you are bassically killing your ferret think about it if heaven forbid your ferret gets lost while out ferreting and you cant track him ect ect how is it goin to eat,but thats just if you where goin to work with the muzzle on just my opinion
  10. there ya go chid thats my good deed for today
  11. cheers for ya info lads duck wing how is the new way to weather proof cheers mark
  12. vasline really? cheers for the reply bud
  13. cheers for letting me know lads went out today and put it this way i had to get changed lmao
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