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Everything posted by markieboi

  1. cheers bud the nets where only ment for ferreting but thought ill give longnetting ago
  2. gears of war is good till someone on there team is a kick ass sniper they your skrewd
  3. halo3 and halo 2 my mum used to get me to do stuff in exchange for time on it, if i done the dishwasher is half an hour on live hoover is another half an hour ect ect either way he will either do the whole house or wont go on it as much
  4. just need some info on longnetting at night its just i use them while ferreting i know as much that you set the net and wait till they come out and run them into the net or have i got it totaly wrong?
  5. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/MK-6-FEN-TRAP_W0QQit...7QQcmdZViewItem on ebay it says there fenns
  6. cheers lads that helps alot what do you guys think of the magnum body grips?
  7. right cheers bud too many fake versions around i tell ye what do you think of the Magnum Trap 116 for mink, rabbits, rats, squirrels? better or worse than the fenn's
  8. magnum trap been looking at these what do people genrally side with the fenn mk 6's or the Magnum Trap 116?
  9. cheers bud will look in history to get the link up do you know how to tell a genuine version of a fen mk 6 rather than a cheap copy?
  10. had a mate that lost a ferret found a week later so dont give up yet buddy put a bowl of cat food down you will get your ferret a fox or cat
  11. cheers mate how comes some of the pans are blue and some silver? cheers mark
  12. 25 yard hand made hemp net great net very good condition net was goin for a good price on ebay but had to take it down due to a few anti's messing with the aution will swap for either fen mk6's or will put the net up as a part exchange for a live catch fox trap,or larsen farmer wants the fox gone and i havent got a rifle so i supose thats the next best thing
  13. will they last long heard good things but just wanted to make sure.why are some of the pans blue and some silver ? cheers mark
  14. cheers bud another thing some of the mk 6's say fox so that is affectivly like a bear trap which would be ilegal wouldnt it?
  15. hi people what are the laws sorounding these's traps i.e where can you set them ect and would a fen mk 6 last very long cheers mark
  16. sorry guys for all the offensive posts i really didnt mean it its just the person did put my back up a little bit again i appoligise sorry airgunner
  17. and im sorry if i have offended anyone in my quest for people's opinions pre men stress airgunner?
  18. How about you leave it out and shut your f*****g mouth and think about things before you type it, its a small world Mark!! nice one airgunner where all supose to be on the same boat mate? and people telling me to leave it bud 1 person has said it so far. and leave what im just asking opinions and it is a small world buddy
  19. i ent goin to leave it as i rekon it would make a huge diffrence on the forum there for helping all genuine field sports man
  20. air gunner aka caps police by that little comment you mean me i take it?
  21. but then they will know they could be tracked to a certain extent im not going to preech to you
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