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John Buttery

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Everything posted by John Buttery

  1. We did indeed have a few after some clown released half a dozen or so. A friend of mine knocked the first one down in a post van, which is how most of the rest met their demise. A couple were shot. That was about 15 or more years ago. As to the traps, I have borrowed a Fenn 4 & placed it in a length of pipe along one side of the pen. Sound correct?
  2. To add a bit of variety to our shoot I hatched out a dozen white pheasants a couple of months ago. I found all but 2 dead the other day. One or two had been completely eaten, the rest all partially or completely decapitated with some damage the back. We have no fox on the island so the pen was made cat proof only. The only way in was via a couple of small gaps 2 -3 inches wide. The roof is covered. My first suspect is polecat. Can anyone tell me the best way to trap them?
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