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About cúagusgiorraí

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter

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  1. RIP Dusty. These dogs give you the best of times and the worst times. She had the best of a life with you, that's for sure.
  2. On a straight 300 yards an Irish coursing greyhound would beat a track bred, but stick a coursing bred on a track 525yards and he would loose. Coursing bred are better at flat out running. Track bred is better for running around the bends on the track.
  3. A different world altogether to where I live; west of Ireland. It's cold and wet and has been for months. The scent conditions are terrible at the moment. With the cold high winds and water on the ground, the scent barely lingers, very frustrating. I wouldn't mind a bit of dry weather.
  4. Very healthy looking bitch and pups. Best of luck
  5. The hounds in the vids were Bluetick and Walker I think. I would love get out coon hunting someday
  6. I LOVED A PAPISH GIRL I was born and bred in Sandy Row a loyal orange Prod. A follower of King William that noble man of God, My motto no surrender my fleg the Union Jack And every year I’d proudly walk to Finaghy and back. A loyal son of Ulster a true blue that was me Prepared to fight prepared to die for faith and liberty. As well as that a Linfield man far back as I can mind I had no time for Catholics or people of that kind. But then one night in Bangor I met wee Rosie Brown, From the moment I set eyes on her my heart went up and down And when I thought she fancied m
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsBZm9C4vrI
  8. Maybe not a classic like the former tunes posted, but I love this tune for obvious reasons. This one is a modern tune, but still has good sentiments which I'm sure many of us would relate to.
  9. Best of luck with her What sire is she out of?
  10. I see them regularly. There is a wild collie dog in my village at the moment. He's as wild as a fox. I also know of a pack of feral dogs in a local big town, they only come out in the dead of night, and lay up in derelict buildings during the day. I also know a place where I am sure feral dogs are living in wilderness and have been for generations, probably eating sheep.
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