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About JonnyKing

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 23/09/1973

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Glamorgan
  • Interests
    Hunting, motorbikes.

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  1. Very nice dog, I have watched there videos, very good to see the terriers working together.
  2. Is it just me or does it seeem like there are a lot more rabbits about this year? I see more running around in the day and im seeing more road kill than normal. I go shooting around South wales and work in Worcester and there everywhere Whats it like where you are?
  3. Shot count hasnt bothered me, it is low but I take the pump with me. I looked into getting it regged but kept thinking, why waste money (if its not broke - dont fix it). For the money its excellent.
  4. This is a handy page to come back to when I want to look like I know what im talking about....great stuff, very handy
  5. Yes, great gun. mine is 22, thousands can be spent on guns but there isn't the need too.
  6. If Your thinking about buying a BSA ultra (mine is un-regulated) but not sure if it can do the job, I have a photo which says it all. Excellent little hunter. Shot these roming a few fields and a mountain last night between 25-45 yards. I've had it about 3 years and never fails to shoot straight. Jon Swansea
  7. Thanks...this is a very interesting site..loads of tips
  8. My name is Jon....Living in South Wales UK. I mostley enjoy hunting with my air rifle....(BSA Ultra SE) Rabbit is usually on the menu. I take my year old JackRussle 'Spud' with me some times..For some reason I dont seem to shoot as much when he is with me lol Looking to a bit of ferreting soon hopfully. Hello everyone
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