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Everything posted by thecogsbollocks

  1. So I got a light force 170 and the clips that come with it just won't stay on the battery and the spring on them is weak already any one suggest better clips or way of connecting them ? Thanks -jake
  2. Thanks mate and how do you recharge the battery then ?
  3. Hey everyone ive just got a pup hes 4 months atm but im new to lamps i ike tge look of the striker 170 but confused about batteries like v and amp? Could someone link me a good battery for it?
  4. The wild dogs in africa i found intresting could be cause i have a lurcher haha
  5. Amazing to see the agility they have. Few close calls but the one that bent backwards was cool. Good series altogether though nice to see different animals than usual lion ect
  6. Anyone watch the hunt ep 3? They had some awesome footage of young sparowhawks chasing a group of jays worth a watch
  7. Dont ask you dont get ay. I will when i save some money
  8. I got land and il explain the warning cause it looks bad basically i was in a science class and i.just sat down and there was powder all over my desk i just though it was chalk or something so i used my dinner card (school bank card) and flicked it off my table and as i did the girl opposite bent down and a little bit went on her turned out the teacher had left it on the desk from the lesson before it was some sort of acid obviously weaked cause it was in a school. The girl ended with a rash for a couple days i aplogised soon as it happend and she accepted it but her parents pushed for the pol
  9. Im coming up 18 and just looking for some advice really on getting a sgc. Basically im intested in getting a license in the near future but got some doubts of it being granted il keep the list short 1. I got a warning for gbh which was a complete accident about 3 years ago believe me 2. I live on a council estate 3. im quite young At the moment i wouldnt be able to afford it as i got a puppy and only on a training scheme so.only get £30 a week but hopefully get a appreticehip i just applied for. Any advice would be appreciated thanks
  10. Funny enough mark he nearly landed in the stream below haha
  11. Vantage ir that one lovely change from the one you get with the ultra noticable difference
  12. You on about the rws? Or jsbs?, only about 20 yards and he fell into brambles so just from picking him out i skinned him and didnt notice anything
  13. Went out to try some jsbs which were all over the place and way higher then the rws so i packed it up.With only small hour gap in rain i loaded up a mag of rws and went for a walk. Where i spotted the tree rat just sat on a branch staring at me. He should of run but he didnt so i took him with nice head shot. Anyone elses gun not like jsbs? Il give them another try in better circumstances -jake
  14. il see if i can find it cheers mark . i know each gun is different but anyone know some pellets bsa ultras like in general (177)?
  15. woke up.today good as new running round like a looney but he's got his jabs tomorrow so il mention it to the vet thanks guys
  16. just wondering what end of the scale you guys prefer and the pros and cons are?
  17. he's woken up alot better hes usog.it now still a limp.but that normally goes after a bit of walking think.he was just bit stiff he's got his jabs tomorrow so il ask the vets then thanks guys
  18. he also whined when i touched is wrist and its stiff and he's not trying to straighten.it
  19. my 8 week bull lurcher has woken up and not able to put weight on his left front leg. he's done this a few times but normaly walks with it then.it goes any ideas what could.be wrong im new to whole lurcher world thanks or any help -Jake
  20. my bull lurcher pup is 8.weeks.old and has woken up not being able o.bend his wrist and is crying when touch.it anyone know what it could be anyhelp would be appreciated as.new to lurchers ???
  21. great advice here guys really appreciate the input. defiantly going stick at it as i enjoy it and the banter with the lads and you meet some characters from the dole fairplay, the stonemason don't work on the side anymore. but i like the idea of doing some pointing and stuff on side. im quite alright at laying. howd i go about getting work like that business cards? Facebook ? thanks for the advice lads
  22. will do mac, where he's shooting cans is literally a tree away from golf course it'll be next weekend now as work and puppy haha cheers for the input:) atb- jake
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