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About thecogsbollocks

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 22/01/1998

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  1. Coming up 11 months now, maturing lovely does everything I ask of him , picks things up really quick can't wait too see how he turns out
  2. Had to resize it and yeah mate too rough to run the dog on so it'll have to be the ultras job ?
  3. Popped out for a couple of hours this morning with the BSA ultra to my local permission which has had a rabbit population explosion lately having only shot my first ever rabbit a few days ago I was happy to get my second with a nice stalk and a clean head shot.My lurcher pup sure is happy to have something to throw about ?
  4. My lurcher cut his pad last week and the vets have knobbed me right up the *** with bills for a bit of glue and check ups any where you can buy tissue glue ect? Got to bath it with salt water now anyone have a clue how long it would take to heal as I ain't going back to the vets for another £20 check up?
  5. It's the farm dogs that's the problem they just got towards him he's good with dogs and kids people, so I normally don't go round the farmhouse with him but that's where I do a lot of the airgunning
  6. Yeah it is was suprised when someone messed Ian about with that one was a cracking pup
  7. Golly from Ian off here, I've had him retrieve them when I've came home. Don't take him with me yet cause of the horses and dark dogs and hes a impatient little sh*t haha
  8. He's coming up 8 months this one, what's the breeding in yours looks tidy?
  9. From the stories the farther in law has told me absolutely can't wait. some of the best memories you'll ever have in hunting by the sounds of it
  10. So i was out training the pup on the lamp with a rabbit skin dummy, I do this most nights and the pup normally is focused but he kept sniffing the air and lunging towards a hill so I had a scan with the lamp and spotted a lump on the grass so I sent the pup up for a run he flew up the hill the lump turned out to be a rabbit from what I could see the rabbit jumped over the pups head and just made it through a fence the pup marked the fence until called being my first lurcher/dog I'm chuffed how well he done with no experience on live game can't wait for him to get his first catch.can't wait to
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