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About defector65

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Tyne & Wear
  • Interests
    Fishing(all types),Shooting(airguns),
    Border Terriers.
    If you cant kill it, don't eat it!
  1. so what do you think they will do to stop trade, when they export to countries outside the EU do they charge extra taxes on the goods now, no, nope, nada, their own buisinesses would not stand for that as they need the trade what else could they do, slap an import tariff on the stuff we export over to them, yes they could, but I seriously doubt that would happen as we can just as easily do the same on goods they ship over here i`ll quote this here, its something I've posted elsewhere, how accurate do you think it is "3 categories of people going to vote remain, 1,,ostriches too sodding scar
  2. Well i respect everyone's views,but im in!
  3. Yes we buy from China,But we export(Sell) 50% of our goods to Europe, selling is how we make money!
  4. i was towards out ,but the big game changer for me is we will need to trade with Europe and if we re negotiate it will be on there terms and a far worse deal!Im in!
  5. Regarding original post had a similar problem at the weekend this was with a rabbit.First shot head shot, rabbit bolted a short distance through a dry stone wall and on checking was down but needed either another shot or dispatched quickly,The perm owner has one big stipulation be careful with his walls(at i think £60 a yard i agree)..I was unable to take another shot or get to it quick and in the end grabbed a stick and struggled to moved it away from wall, eventually i was able to get another shot in.Never been in that predicament before and a pistol would of been very useful at that time.
  6. I get the odd flyer now and then,think its me just being complacent with my technique and the flyer just reminds me to check my technique,grip,trigger,breathing ect!
  7. Mines straight out of the box,hope to get it reg in the future! but happy with shot count,shot around 30 + pellets over two days that will do for me!
  8. Well after a great deal of deliberation, im in posession of a new BSA ultra in 177. i decided on the Ultra after watching Si pattaways reviews on you tube and got to say im very happy with it!not happy with pellets have have been using but looking forward to trying a few out(any recomendations to try Villaman).Been using h&n ftt and superdomes that work great in my hw95K
  9. Like this Thats the one Mac is it 177 lol
  10. Less of the gun porn! another issue influencing decision is weight. I am very lucky got two perms adjacent to each other can be on the rats at one min then hot footing over fences and fields for a few woodys and corvids.thats why i like my hw95K
  11. If we getting into custom would like a HW100 with black composite stock and the price of the Ultra
  12. i know you rate the Ultras Villaman!
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