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About Cruch

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  1. I have not long moved away from the town where a have spent all my life , it's a little place near Alton towers I still go lamping and days out with the ferrets around that area, with my dogs ect, but none of my mates have a HH who can help me, I am now living close to East MIds air port, I am building up farms n golf courses close by as u can never have enough but I am new to the area and like to keep myself to myself, I think I am going to have to go down the road of a club n see where I end up in a few months time, I am not the type of person to have a dog for a year or two, so planning on
  2. The issue I have is finding a mentor, I have had a few days first hand out in the field a while ago but no where near enough to go alone, thinking my only way forward now is to join a club but if honest I am not a people person lol
  3. Hiya all, I am thinking of getting a HH in the next few weeks I have had running dogs n ferrets most of my life but now I am making a call not to have an other dog as mine are getting to old for work but to try my hand with a HH, I have read n read lots of Info about the birds ect, I am after someone local to me that maybe willing to be about for a little help if needs be, or to meet up for a few hours flying time, I lived close to alton towers a few years ago and I am now In coalville thanks Nick
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