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Pick and bar

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Posts posted by Pick and bar

  1. Could be but lads, I've dug with since a kid still turn up on time, turn out in the rain, ASK before breeding my stuff! Etc. My daughter has more drive and ethics. Often tipping out at 3am for our trips,not a great digger but will back fill and is like Florence nightingale on a hard worked warrior.

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  2. Like most I've started a few fellas, most have gone behind my back to my permission,some have really upset me by breeding behind my back, using my name for there own gain from blood that I've gifted them.

    Most for me now are unable to get out of bed on a regular basis!!!

    I'm fortunate to get out several times a week, I just drive bye now if their not ready.RELIABILITY IS EVERY THING.

    Do i carry on!! on my own? but for how much longer? Knees are screwed! Tendenitis in my elbows, ah well. "Time waits for no man"

    I see it finishing !!! FB idiots are doing half the job for the other side.



    Before the trolls get going.

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  3. Delusional.... One dog against a foe twice or more its weight underground for hours in that creatures environment.... Or multiple dogs after an animal weighing a few ounces, chased out of its home by smoker or tractor. I certainly think this will be debated, for me no comparison. IMO

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  4. Well we are going proper now, lots of game about. Terriers are fit and working well. Couple of young guns are showing well, time and work is catching up with some of the older guys, great to see young blood coming good but sad to see those old uns with time catching em up. " guess its the same for us" !!!!

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