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Pick and bar

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Posts posted by Pick and bar

  1. I start all my pups early, right or wrong I'm happy, they are all let loose to run over holes from 12 weeks on, when they go or show that glint in the eye! I grab em! Done me ok, rubbish floats to the top early on, which suits me, and my type of worker.

    Only my opinion though! As I'm sure to be wrong.

  2. .

    A show is what it says on the label!!

    Having judged loads over the years, you can only judge to the breed standard as you interoperate it!

    You cannot tell if its a good un at the end of the lead!unless you know the man.

    What's a great? To a chap who throws his heart and soul into it but only gets 3 digs a year is totally different to those lucky busy men that get that every day.

    You pay yr 2quid and expect yr hero's tobe examined and judged against the next dog, by abiding to a standard everone SHOULD get fair treatment.

    I have never judged by the owner, if his animal pleases you pick it.

    • Like 2
  3. Got 2 bitches on heat and a dog that loves em both, howling and not eating.

    Took him for a run this morning promised tobe home to take good lady out for lunch.

    He went to a single hole in sand right next to a pheasent pen. Hearing him ticking away I marked him at 1.6m as he moved forward it made 2.3m in about a 2foot distance.

    Couple of hours on my own, sorted it,the dog was going down hill to his game very sharpish then a rapid right turn. Proper struggle to climb out get the gun etc.

    Sitting here now, I'm chuffed although I cussed like a good un at the spot, " that's what Sundays are for"

    • Like 1
  4. I had the pleasure of the man several times through the 80's. Not many could stay with him with a spade!! Dawn till dusk!!!! The dogs were a distinctive type and worked hard, not my type but " hey he was out every day, all day" the man has done it!! Very money oriented but so are loads more without the background. Fair play to the man.

    • Like 1
  5. This bloke has come on with depth and knowledge of his chosen line, he has the backing of several chaps with good feedback off working abilities. Great stuff! If you can share the gospel and glean a few months of feed bills back, go for it. My heart and soul is with you brother.

    • Like 3
  6. Taz,

    For me stick to what you got, graft em and do what yr doing.

    Share em carefully, don't be selfish and stupid like I did. When it started to go wrong I'd cornered myself and stupidly thought my FRIENDS had the same ethics.

    Those true lines are thin these days, dispute what is displayed on the net.

    If you have that line, it won't fail ya! Best of luck, them fellas that he has shared this stuff with, pay heed go back to him,and his advice or lose it.


    Best to best and cherish that special individual that we are all blessed to have in our hands from time to time.

    • Like 13
  7. I travel all over this wonderful country, short of the fortresses in the lakes, that are totally undiggable, the Chilterns/Cotswolds consistently have it for me. " like I've said before" a super fit animal able to work for hrs and hrs is needed here. Regularly 4/5 hrs for 1_1.5m digs. GREAT STUFF!!!!

  8. Struggled in a single hole place, that is always awkward for some reason today,marked it 6.5m away. Young red un was not going right from the sound of it, got him at 1.5m dead under the entrance, he showed after twenty mins soaking wet but keen to go, marked him again same place. Broke into him soaking and looking lost, fetched my old 8 yr veteran off the couples he scratched and dug, fairly half hearted but scratched and scratched, just as I thought you lousy ****** liar he grabbed hold above him in soft yellow sand. I stuck at this place for hours this morning, in truth " I doubted em" just shows ya! Would a better dog have sorted it????

    Most with experience have seen stuff happen that's un explainable. Was it a rabbit, was it arse on, was the dog lying. That red un has seen plenty of work,by far not the greatest in the kennel but I've seen him show many other dogs up, I'm honest, all dogs have good and off days, the very best that we have are cherished.

    These old fellas worn and tired at times have still got it!!!

    Old b*****d is growling at me now knowing he's gonna get cleaned before bed. " he is our house dog" nobody talking to me!!!!

    Cleaned him earlier, looked at me, the wife! Growled and stood under the table wagging his tail!

    Guess I'm the loser tonight.

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