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Pick and bar

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Posts posted by Pick and bar

  1. I no longer post to this site, however I watch. I saw Smithy several times at work, he was a  very big lump of a dog. Not kept at a sporting weight as he was always kennelled,  tall as yr knees. I saw him on couples let up the block end and staked down. Yes he was hard, but never ever saw him dug to, and as we know, any can be brave above ground,   I saw him always the above. As were several other marvelous digging "STUD" dogs. That have now got fame. Yeah ! Great ten foot dig to a never mentioned whatever bitch  but these inflated gladiators were all that got mentioned. They were all at it, parading puppy selling Bull, that we are all aware of now, It was a very different era then, the black dog was an infant in the midlands and these chaps saw a business opportunity. RANT over and I shall fall away as before, as I made a mistake. Just thought it worth the truth cus I was there not here say. Sorry for those none believers but hey !  I can only speak on what I saw as a young fit digging machine that a one armed man needed. For all this I like the man, seen him do some damage to dog thieves with one arm 35+ yrs.back. When he was judging.

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  2. JP is a true legend, the man has a depth of knowledge to mistify the gods. To see him work and dig to a dog is special, I've yet to see anyone jell with a dog like him. Old Mick from the 80s was his twin I'm sure, he spoke to the dog like a person, urging him on with his work. To see JP handle stuff at the end would scare folk to their boots. Grand man with enough stories to fill a book. To see him and GM dancing in fell boots, drunk as skunks, terriers on couples tied to there belts, the bride and groom in raptures. Wonderful memories.

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  3. Always sad to see em go, we only think of them at their best!! Glorious when we see off spring coming on working exactly as they did and rightfully so!!!Thinking I've got it right. How the yrs pass, what was a puppy all of a sudden is yr main dog and then a veteran in a blink.

    Nice post from someone who cares!!! Thanks.

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