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Everything posted by marshman

  1. He hasn’t got dementia he’s not that old mate . He’s the type if you park one centimetre over he’s side he’s knocking at your door telling you to move your car .
  2. Take it from me it’s not a sight I would ever want to see mate ?
  3. Ok so I heard my dogs bark out in my garden. I look out bedroom window to see what they’re barking at to see next door neighbour in he’s back garden stark bollock naked ! I’ve never seen this man do this before , I hope he don’t start doing it on a regular basis as I’ve got children that I don’t want seeing he’s old arse and saggy plums, he was weeding ! ? lol Also our gardens back onto a park where children play. so if this happens again can I tell him or is he free to bowl about bollock naked in he’s own garden ?
  4. One letter out he still knew who I meant lol
  5. Lol was it BGT ? I got talking to a labour man Di Trinder old labour type , Hated Corbyn he did lol
  6. You’d put in front of a firing squad, they’re doing a good job of killing them selves on their own no firing squad needed lol theyre keeping their battles amongst their own fair play I say
  7. Can’t see Corbyn being being around for long . He’s upset the Jewish community the knives are out for him in he’s own party. Labour wont win with him they know that just a matter of time before he’s gone .
  8. chris Morris Brass eye done it first over here , it’s not just the yanks that are a bit gullible our celebs are just as thick lol
  9. That’s true mate but when you combine that to being really accepted and tolerant to drug use that’s when it turns into a literal shithole
  10. Take the drug use out of that city and it’s problems would be halved , to my mind that makes drugs a major factor in that cities problems . I mean come on needles and shit laying around
  11. That’s what happens when drug taking becomes acceptable
  12. Was a good watch made you nostalgic for a different era ?
  13. Edited your mistake was putting on here mate I hope you catch him
  14. I agree probably someone giving a moody name to a Mongrol type terrier just to big it up
  15. Was probably the rice that got ya it carries more germs and bacteria’s than most things , got to be reheated properly
  16. 48 hrs I tried fasting felt better for it only water though nothing else
  17. its only a couple minutes long mate ideal length ?
  18. Was used on a coursing vid once I think yeah it’s a good song
  19. Black currant Bliztkrieg maybe or Nevermind the black currant it’s Bollocks ! punk themed like lol
  20. Had it happen to me at the time I knew it was deeper than what I was told. We’d blanked all that morning so I though f**k it I haven’t travelled all this way not to have a dig , my dog was old enough and ready to be given a bit of a test so I let him go . It wasn’t a complete dungeon to be fair but was a lot deeper than the 1 metre I was told . My dog failed no shame in that I was t upset if he never failed then i would’ve tested him at another time and in hindsight I think it would’ve failed then .
  21. Reach advantage had some jab on him mate lol
  22. In infants school we had a teacher white South African teacher called mrs Massey . She’s been there for years a taught my father . Anyway she would tell stories about her father that was a farmer and hunter and how one time he shot a crocodile in the head and how the bully ricocheted off and killed a black man that was watching on the other side of the pond . Lol she always aimed chalk at the Indian lads as well . Never happen today you got to love the 1970s ?
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