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Everything posted by marshman

  1. marshman

    the fight

    this guy just beat Anthony Joshua and now I’m never going to the f***ing gym again.. pass me a steak bake and a pint this is gonna be my year
  2. marshman

    the fight

    Oh dear oh dear lol Joshua got beat by chubby little fat man ? something really satisfying watching the body perfect giant get beat by someone with type 2 diabetes ?.
  3. I think most folk would like to see Liverpool win but hoping they choke and Spurs Chuck a spanner in the works and break theirs and Arsenal and West Ham hearts lol
  4. Never been into the numbers game myself suppose that’s why I don’t shoot lol
  5. Honestly a program on tv about folk getting parking tickets, or that other one where the debt collectors come around . Cant think of anything I’d rather not watch more than these programs . (Whether they deserve it or not) where’s the entertainment in that ? What next a show about how people cars fail their MOT or showing people getting nicked for having a bald tyre and getting 3 points on their license . Bollocks to watching that I’d rather talk to my mother in law .
  6. Questions should be asked if security, if he’d of had a gun or a knife it could’ve of been Hasta La Vista for Arnie
  7. Cracking dog my type I had as a teen ?
  8. From what I’ve noticed in town it’s mainly white getting offended on behalf of black peoples
  9. No mate no info on the photo I’m afraid
  10. Defo racist He used to do the Daz doorstep challenge how white are your whites ? ?
  11. Larger dog in the photo I’m not sure what ya reckon ?
  12. I haven’t seen a second leg thrown away this convincing in Liverpool since Paul Mcartney had a blazing row with Heather Mills
  13. As my old dad used to say “ you pay for your education one way or another “ hes paying for he’s education for posting shit on tinternet by doing time . Silly c**t !
  14. Great night my head still sore today COYS !! showcased the premier league and how exciting it can be to the world ?
  15. Try letting a fox chew on to your nose for a few hours lol gotta say not a fan of the sheep ring either , me I’d leave long if he’s rail taking more syrup than the rest I wouldn’t worry mate lol again jokes ?
  16. Speaking as someone who had a grandparent die in a concentration camp I’m sickened by some of the comments on this thread . Ok so my grandfather was drunk when he fell out of the guard tower but he still died in one lol . My thoughts yeah they done it without a shadow of doubt . Gotta be truthful now i think if this sort of thing happened today I’m pretty sure some members on here would be chucking me and my family in the oven lol shit Nazis the lot of ya ?
  17. No clue mate in fine fettle though
  18. Loch Eriboll north west Scotland 1939 Strong women these
  19. All the best to your lad Francie ?
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