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Everything posted by marshman

  1. my girl was supposed to have it at the time I heard tony Blair wouldn't let he's sin have it and had the jabs single so that's what I did I paid to have them done single . I know they've said they're safe but I couldn't risk it
  2. My oldest grandson who is now 17 has a mild form of autism he went through a main stream school and is now at college doing a carpentry course .I am still of the opinion that its some thing to do with the MMR vacines as I and my daughter witnessed a change in his behaviour after having the jabs even though the exsperts claim their is no link to autism with the MMR jab.I know they can be clever in there own way I've a cousin and her son has passed all he's exams really good at math but can't do up he's shirt something to do with depth perception.buttons. got to be truthful I didn't trust them j
  3. My oldest grandson who is now 17 has a mild form of autism he went through a main stream school and is now at college doing a carpentry course .I am still of the opinion that its some thing to do with the MMR vacines as I and my daughter witnessed a change in his behaviour after having the jabs even though the exsperts claim their is no link to autism with the MMR jab. I know they can be clever in there own way I've a cousin and her son has passed all he's exams really good at math but can't do up he's shirt something to do with depth perception.buttons. got to be truthful I didn't trust them
  4. Lads serious question I've a nephew with autism it seems so widespread now but when I was young I never heard of it or knew anyone with it . Is autism a new thing or is it something that's always been about ?
  5. His date is impressed with that and the muscles ?
  6. Got to be truthful I watched it last week and got choked up and laughed as well god bless em
  7. Even where they have these patrols they never pick on a group of men that will fight back their mark is taking liberties with 16 year old kids .
  8. Spot on Walshie hes a shithouse !!!
  9. Nice dog how old is he and have you seen him run ?
  10. See this lad from Liverpool I think he's funnier than John bishop but you'll probably never hear of him give it a watch https://youtu.be/sm8SEBGd30E
  11. A Master at the short joke https://youtu.be/K39HFOU8pWs
  12. I like Kevin Bridges he's funny as well not a fan of bishop but the one that I'd like to scunt is that smug Stewart lee .
  13. i haven't read any of the posts on this thread but I can imagine lol. All I say is this that some some of the baddest people I've met are travellers and some of the very best are travellers. I think even when travellers play by the rules ( I'm talking about me now ) I still get treated differently. That's why I don't tell people I'm a traveler. I like to fly under the radar and I like people to judge me for me and not who I am or how I live or how I speak or what choose to do as a sport .
  14. That's 32 in the last year but hey it's all down to your own choice . I'm sure you'll agree that 32 sex attacks is to many or maybe you don't I don't know .
  15. People worry more about black cab drivers pulling there pants down price wise but down mind uber driver pulling their missus pants down if it's cheaper lol
  16. i,m a little shocked and surprised by this, when you say 9 sexual assaults reported a week by its drivers do you mean 9 drivers are assaulted every week or 9 drivers get reported for assault each week? I,m not trying to be pedantic but cannot believe that is happening and there is not a huge outcry or some kind of reporting of this ,my kids as mentioned also use uber so another cause for concern on my part. Do you have any kind of links to validate these stats or is this just Chinese whispers ? Again not trying to disagree but asking as a concerned dadJust google uber sexual assaults in London
  17. Imagine ringing up and saying all black people are robbers because you got robbed by one once . Racist bitch !!
  18. Here we go have a read of this bollocks http://www.lbc.co.uk/radio/presenters/shelagh-fogarty/worried-caller-claims-black-cabbies-do-not-pick-up/?utm_source=t.co&utm_medium=referral
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