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Everything posted by marshman

  1. Mate I’m not denying that anyone can breed shit that’s part and parcel of breeding . We both been around long enough to that knowone can breed 100% consistency. But what I will say that without men at least men trying to eliminate the luck element you wouldn’t of had your line or the amount of workers that you’ve had over the years . if it was luck the line that you’ve got would’ve died out with the man that bred them years ago . It’s only through good stockmanship elimination of shite and granted luck lol that you still got a line workers . If it was luck then how comes someone ju
  2. .Some men yards breed more consistent workers than others fact and that’s not just down to luck ! if it was just luck then the ones that just haphazardly breed would achieve the same amount of consistent workers as the ones that try to work to a line . If it was luck I could go on fb and buy a worker and yes I know you can get lucky and get a worker that way . But you got more chance of getting a worker from a honest terrier man that works and breeds and culls . I do agree luck is a major factor and play a major part in breeding but I think anyone that serious should be tryin
  3. well you learn something new everyday I didn’t know Russians dig to their dogs . i always thought that they used poisoned a form of control !
  4. Rest and a fresh start like others have said that’s what I’d do . i don’t envy you as you’ve got a long summer ahead wondering about it, and you’ll start the next waiting for him to make a mistake as well . to me now I could be wrong but to me it sounds like you’ve made your mind up that the dog is at the start of jacking properly apologies if I’m wrong . Good luck I hope the dog works out for you ?
  5. My jeans are tight not intentional though ??
  6. Without my beard my head looks like a slightly deflated rugby ball anyway im growing a the porn star moustache lol
  7. Just think of the money you’d save if you got a dog that doesn’t run at all ! Can’t stand dogs that pick and choose
  8. Handsome mate ! GL been hearing good things about the seafood stall on wash rd near Basildon you ever been there ?
  9. Got a terrier that lives a blackberry and an pear he’s not to keen apples though .
  10. Cheers lads don’t get me wrong I’ve heard of other bitches killing pups but it’s I just ive never seen one eat another bitches pup is all: me cousin is a sick as a pig as it was the pup he picked to keep back little cracker it was , Sod’s law eh !
  11. Not that I’m aware off defo the saluki x mate
  12. Lads have you come across owt like this before ? Right me cousins got two bitches one cocker bitch and a saluki x . The cockers got a litter of pups on her, a month old . So she’s in her pen down one end of the garden with the pups and the saluki x down the other . So me cousins come home from work and straight out back to the dogs and he sees one of the cocker pups half eaten outside the saluki x bitches kennel . He said it was the most forward pup but somehow she’s got out of the pen and gone done the other end near this saluki x bitch . The thing is this bitch doesn’t seem
  13. Lads on the darker one he’s bald on he’s shoulder ?
  14. https://www.(!64.56:886/groups/shitlondon/permalink/10155624160173791/ Gotta feel sorry for this lad he’s just nutted and he can’t get a break lol
  15. Been for years that pie shop it is a good pie shop I like the fruit ones cherry pie . My local butcher does better pies than both and my old mum does a pie better than my butcher lol . End of the day pie n mash pies or London pies as you call them lol. are only a working man pie cheap and made to fill the cracks but stil nice all the same ?
  16. No problem mate it would be a pleasure?
  17. Used to be one called Lou farrows on the blue market but that’s gone . The one I go to is Manzis on Deptford high st
  18. Handsome !! Stewed eels as well nothing better to get going after a few bevvys ?
  19. Think of Salukis like a woman there’s good uns and bad uns but don’t try to fathom them out because you’ll be wasting your time !
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