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marshman last won the day on February 3 2020

marshman had the most liked content!

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7,758 Excellent

About marshman

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. I’m sure we’ve all done things that some might consider more hideous than selling a young pup or vying a sparrow, times change and what one generation might be ok another bit so much lol. Anyway Let him without sin cast the first stone ?
  2. Bold un how a terrier pup should be
  3. Same here mate lol pair of boots had to do us all year lol
  4. Full of hipster vegans now mate times change for sure
  5. marshman

    Club Row

    Just some old photos animal markets where more popular back then
  6. Do love a photo with a long dog in it not sure the age on this one
  7. Look like the old deerhound cross types again not my family but another travelling family
  8. Good ole pic I come across from a travelling man racing he’s dog
  9. Moocher71 this me grandfather and grannie working in the hop gardens . My people are dark skinned travellers
  10. I’d say 1950s mate judging by the trailer . that’s a good old pic mate ?
  11. Hard to tell what “ type “ of traveller they’re Wilf just from a name . In the summer I came across some travellers in Cornwall and if someone had told me there surname before I met them I’d of swore they was Gorgers. Ive a feeling tho from what Micky has said it wouldn’t matter what type they was he’d chuck us all in the oven ?
  12. See the irony of it is an innocent man was murdered and if you’d had your way another innocent man would be . Instead of being a man and thinking I’m wrong here you don’t , your still coming out with your childish chat .
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