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Everything posted by Gary73

  1. I have a countryman carbine and while going through my man cave I came across the pump and hose, shame we are at opposite ends of the country. Doesn't the Hw90 use the same setup.
  2. Seriously I was not going to bother and did not have the marksman until I heard and tried my dads. Definitely quieter. I just hope the poi and accuracy is not altered. Now with the barrel cleaning regime sorted and for my gun h&n ft in 5.53 head size it is putting in some amazing groups. I tried AA field 5.51 Jsb jumbo's in 5.52 superdomes and superfields in 5.51/5.52 along with field target specials in 5.51. Nothing is coming close to h&n ft in 5.53 right out to 50 yards. It did a 12mm ctc group at 60 yards today. My main hunting ranges are 20 to 45 yards with the majority being
  3. Nice to see its working for you now. Had my hw100 for a month now and I am very impressed better than my 410k and just as accurate as my Steyr lg110.
  4. My old man has a Hw100kt .22 same as I. He has the A&M Marksman I am still on the hw silencer. His gun is far quieter, I am getting a Marksman asap.
  5. I am trying AA Fields in 5.51 at the moment. Don't know if they are as good as Ftt in 5.53 but I need to check at 45-50 yards. Hull Catridge did recommend 5.51 head size to cut down on the fouling and to reduce barrel cleaning I might try a tin of there own ft specials just to close the loop and make a final choice before buying a sleeve.
  6. Here is a five shot group done 5 mins ago. I picked the gun up and this is the first five shots no retakes or second attempts. Five shots straight off. 25 yards h&n ftt 5.53 5 shots. Pretty happy with the hw100kt so far.
  7. Used the information from this thread to start on the right track with my new Hw100kt .22. I used a vfg pull through with a felt soaked in barrel cleaner. After 5-6 pulls through it was coming out clean. I then tried job exact jumbo's 5.52 which were shooting little finger nail sized groups at 25 yards. Quite happy, decided it could do better so tried h&n ftt in 5.53 I was shocked when the groups got smaller. The H&N FTT pellets were far more consistent on the chrono and much safer from a power perspective. Very happy with the hw100kt.
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